Global consequences and control strategies of biological invasion Application of Vc fermentation waste residue on prevention and control of plant diseases in protective ground Surface sand-laden wind movement on fluvial aggradations sandy land and use of vegetation in controlling sand-laden wind erosion in Yongding River of Beijing, China CONTROL OF GRAPE CLEARWING MOTH PARANTHRENE RECALLS BUTLER WITH TRIAZOPHOS Biological characteristics and chemical control of the mulberry fruit gall midge Cotarina sp. Biological characteristics of the exotic weed Sorghum halepense and measures to control its spread Effects of biological invasion on the stabilization of urban ecosystem and strategies of its prevention and control AM and its application in plant disease prevention of Chinese medicinal herbs cultivation Temporal and Spatial Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Forest Fires in China from 1950 to 2010 Effects of prevention and control of extracting solution from four invasive plants on Achatina Fulica Soil nutrient dynamics and loss risks in a chicken-forage mulberry-medicinal plant intercropping system The relationship between main cultivation management measures and the incidence of the rice black-streaked dwarf disease in Huanghuai area THE PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON SOIL DESICCATION OF ARTIFICIAL VEGETATION IN THE NORTHERN REGIONS OF CHINA Nonpoint source pollution in Northeast China: Research advance. Study on Persimmon Scales and Its Control Inhibitory Effect of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Bacteria Wilt of Eucalyptus

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