Responses of vegetations in Minqin desert area to climate change. Model of ecosystem risk based on natural capital: a case study Stability and Ecological Effect of Mainly Plant Communities in Minqin Desert Area The identity of Carex fokienensis (Cyperaceae) Landscape changes of Minqin oasis in Gansu Province and its driving force The grassland degradation problems of the Minqin oasis, in the lower reaches of the Shiyang River Basin Phenological Characteristics of Typical Herbaceous Plants(Lris lacteal) and Its Response to Climate Change in Minqin Desert The study on the physical and chemical characteristics of sand soil crust in the Minqin County, Gansu Province Response of grassland vegetation to climate warming in the Minqin area A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME FRUIT TREES AND SOIL WATER CONTENTS IN MINQIN DESERT AREA Responses of plant phenology to climate warming in Minqin desert area Landscape changes and ecological reconstruction in Minqin Huqu oasis Researches on laws of water balance at transitional zone between oasis and desert in Minqin Research on Change Characteristics of Sandy Soil Temperature at the Transitional Zone of Oasis-desert in Minqin Phenological Characteristics of Desert Plant in Minqin Desert Area Analysis on community structure and quantitative characteristics of Nitraria tangutorum nebkhas at different succession stage in lower reaches of Shiyang River RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PHENOLOGY OF 18 TREE SPECIES AND AIR TEMPERATURE CHANGE IN THE MINQIN DESERT AREA OF CHINA Dynamic analysis of farmland ecosystem service value and multiple regression analysis of the influence factors in Minqin Oasis The Grey Relatedness Analysis between the Modular Structure of Clonal Population of Calligonum mongolicum and the Environmental Factors in the Minqin Desert Effect of light and temperature on the germination of three annual plants Quantitative Classification and Ordination Analysis on Vegetation in the Minqin Oasis-Desert Ecotone Effect of water table to niche of plant population at Minqin oasis fringe Cultivation of introduced alfalfa varieties in an arid area of Minqin county Landscape pattern and its dynamics in typical oasis-desert transitional zone of Minqin Region in 1960-2005. Technical system of rational land use and deserticulture in desert oasis — A case study of Minqin Oasis Relationship between frequency of sandstorms and air humidity as well as plant phenology: a case study from the Minqin desert area Ecological environment water requirement priority and ecological environment water demand in MinQin Basin Sustained Characteristics and Combination Characteristics on Phenophase of Plants in Minqin Desert Region Position Study of the Relations between Vegetation Degeneration and Annual Rainfall in the Sand Region of Minqinxian County Study on restoration strategies, characteristics and status of degenerated artificial Haloxylon ammodendron communities at the edge of Minqin oasis 干旱沙区46种木本植物的物候研究——以民勤沙生植物园栽培植物为例 Responses of Nitraria tangutorum Branch and Leaf Growth to Simulated Rainfall Characteristics of Radiation and Heat Balance in Transitional Region between Oasis and Desert Self Thinning Process of Haloxylon ammodendron Planted Forest in Desert Area of Minqin

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