Construction of a Mathematic Model for Forecasting Viviparous Propagule Yield of Bruguiera gymnorriza The population growth dynamic of Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. on Qinling-Bashan Mountain Ecophysiological responses of vegetative propagule of Cynodon dactylon to simulated summer flooding Biological Response of Cynodon Dactylon Vegetative Propagates to Simulated Flooding Community Invasibility and Its Influencing Factors Modeling Responses of Leafy Spurge Dispersal to Control Strategies The Studies on Seedling Nursery and Afforestation Techniques of Aegiceras corniculatum of Mangroves A Study on the Characteristics of Rattan Tissue Sub-culture Caloric values of plant propagules at Niumulin Nature Reserve Zone of Fujian Province Spatiotemporal variation of weed seed banks under drip irrigation in cotton fields of Northern Xinjiang Infectivity and effectiveness of VA mycorrhizal fungi in red soils