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p lantation
Changing Regular ities and Structura l Character istics of the Bioma ss andProductivity of Aerially Seeded Pinus m asson iana Planta tion
Econom ic Ana lysis of Euca lypt Planta tion with D ifferent In itia l Spac ing
Growth of Some Na tive Broad-leaved Trees and Plant D iversityin the Con iferous Planta tion of South Ch ina
The Var ia tion Character istics of So ilOrgan ic Carbon and Its InfluenceFactor in D ifferent Developing Stages of Chinese f ir Planta tion s
Spec ies D iversity ofMa in Commun ities in Hot and Dry Va lley, Yuanmao County
A Prelim inary Study on L itter Fa lls of Six Kinds ofPlanta tions in the Tropica l South Asia
Study on Physica l andMechan ica l Properties of Phoebe bou rneiWoodfrom Planta tion and Na tura l Forest
Study of High Y ield Cultiva tion Technolog ies of O il-TeaCamellia ( Cam e llia ole ife ra ) ———Formula te Fertiliza tion