STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WHEAT GRAIN ENDOSPERM MICROSTRUCTURE AND WHEAT QUALITY DEV ELOPMENTAL STUDIES ON ANOMALOUS SECONDARY STRUCTURE IN ROOT TUBER OF POLYGONUM MULTIFLORUM THUNB. Change in starch grains and flower bud differentiation of Lilium pumilum bulbs during breaking of dormancy under refrigerated conditions Ultrastructure of Microspore Development in Jatropha curcas L. Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Alfalfa Seeds with Different Moisture Contents after Satellite Carrying Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Endosperm Starch Grain Cnaracters in Orvza sativa subsp. Hsien Observe the pollen grains of Vallisneria longipedunculata by electron microscope Observe the pollen grains of Vallisneria longipedun-culata by electron microscope Dynamic Accumulation of Starch and Protein in the Rooting of Tetraena mongolica Maxim. Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration on the Starch Grain Accumulation in Chloroplasts from Soybean Leaves at Different Nodes Effect of Preservatives on the Morphology and Anatomy of Carnation Cut Flowers