Plant type of Cucurbita pepo L. in sunlight greenhouse and its effect on yield formation Biochemical Characteristics of Pollen Wall Glycoproteins Separated on Ricin-Sepharose 4B in Cucurbita pepo Further Studies of Pollen Wall Glycoproteins in Cucurbita pepo L. A study on the genetic law of seed coat characters in hull-less Cucurbita pepo Induction Expression of Defense Gene in Different Varieties of Cucurbita pepo by Watermelon Mosaic Virus Infection Enzymatic Synthesis of Proline in Pollen Biocontrol of Zucchini Powdery Mildew by Endophytic Actinomycetes Biocontrol of Zucchini Powdery Mildew by Endophytic Actinomycetes Effects of powdery mildew infection on zucchini growth under elevated CO2 and temperature Studies on morphology of seed coat development and its related enzyme activity assay in Cucurbita pepo Effect of planting density on canopy sink-source feature and yield of different dwarf varieties of summer squashes (Cucurbita pepo L.) Alleviative effects of LaCl3 on simulated acid rain stresses for Cucurbita pepo seedlings Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Different Pumpkin Cultivars under Low Temperature Stress THE PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS OF SINGLE POLLEN GRAINS IN CUCURBITA PEPOL