Establishment of an SSR Analysis Protocol and Corresponding Analysis of Characteristics in Lycoris chinensis Establishment of an SSR Analysis Protocol and Corresponding Analysis of Characteristics in Lycoris chinensis Pollen Morphology of Lycoris Herb. and Its Taxonomic Significance Analysis of genetic relationships among species of Lycoris Herb. by AFLP markers Pollen Morphology of Lycoris Herb. and Its Taxonomic Significance Research progress on chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of alkaloids from plants of Lycoris Herb. Inter-specific Relationships Analysis and Classification of Lycoris by HPLC Chromatograms Analysis of genetic relationships among species of Lycoris Herb. by AFLP markers Comparison between ISSR and RAPD markers in genetic diversity of plants in Lycoris Herb Advances in studies on classification,identification,medicinal ingradients,and biOtechnologieal application of plants in Lycoris Herb.

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