Effects of crop root and fertilizer on soil microbial biomass nitrogen in semiarid farmland ecological system Research on Rhizosphere Soil Properties of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica with Different Infection Grades A comparative study on rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere fungi in six mangrove communities Studies on the soil microorganism quality and soil nutrient content at the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere region of cotton in wheat-cotton intercropping system Microbes, enzyme activities and nutrient characteristics of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils under four shrubs in Xining Nanshan, Prefecture, China RESEARCH ON CHANGE OF RHIZOSPHERE SOIL PROPERTIES OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Dynamics of soil enzyme activity and nutrient content in intercropped cotton rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere Characteristics and impacts of elements in rhizosphere in multiple heavy metals polluted rice paddy soil