Study on modeling process for golden gel Decomposition and nutrient release of root with different diameters of three subalpine dominant trees in western area of Sichuan Province, China. Comparison of potential yield and resource utilization efficiency of main food crops in three provinces of Northeast China under climate change. Identification of GGB Mutant Caused by CRISPR/Cas9 in Arabidopsis STUDIES ON YIELD LOSS AND DYNAMIC ECONOMIC THRESHOLD OF SHEATH BLIGHT OF HYBRID EARLY RICE The economic injury level caused by Tetranychus urticae at apple orchard Decomposition process of Chinese fir stump roots and changes of nutrient concentration Changes of some major and micro nutrients during the decomposition process of oak twigs Studies on relationship between wheat morphological character as well as grain contents and wheat midge resistance Assessing the ecosystem conservation status and priority:a case study from Jiangxi Province, China EVALUATIONS OF THE DAMAGE OF TWO SPIDER MITE SPECIES TO APPLE TREE A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF DOTHJORELLA GREGARlA CANKER ON THE GROWTH AND VOLUME OF YOUNG POPLAR TREES Evaluation of transgenic Bt rice resistance to Sitotroga cerealella LOSS ASSESSMENT MODELS OF YIELD AND QUALITY CAUSED BY FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT Landscape pattern changes of sea island and the effect on rainfall-intercepting capability by the example of Tantoushan Island in Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province