Recognition of anxiolytic constituents from Juncus effusus based on constituents knock-out technique Seed coat morphology and its systematic significance in Juncus L. (Juncaceae) in Egypt A Study on the Genus Juncus Linn. from China COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMMON CULTIVATED JUNCUS EFFUSUS L.VAR. DECIPIENS BUCHEN IN JIANGSU AND ZHEJIANG PROVINCES A new dihydrophenanthrene from Juncus setchuensis A NEW SPECIES OF JUNCUS PROM YUNNAN Rapid recognition and identification of phenanthrenes in Juncus effusus and Juncus setchuensis by LC-ESI-MS Effect of light on the growth and stem flowering rate of mat rush Transportation and transformation of 14C-phenanthrene in closed chamber (nutrient solution-lava-plant-air) system COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EXTRACTION METHOD FOR GENOMIC DNA IN MAT RUSH Phenanthrenes from aerial part of Juncus setchuensis with anxiolyticactivity