Spatial variations of soil ammonia and nitrate under application of inorganic and organic fertilizers in purple soil—Summer corn season Feasibility of mitigating the secondary salinization in greenhouse soil by carbon regulator Effects of sulfur-and polymer-coated controlled releaseurea fertilizers on spatial-temporal variations of soil NO-3-N and nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency Atmospheric N wet deposition in Hangzhou region under rice\|wheat\|vegetable cropping system Effects of the NO3--N on nodule formation and nitrogen fixing of peanut Enhancement effect by nitrate on rice plant during the whole growth period and its physiological mechanisms Effects of NO-3-N/NH+4-N ratios on Chardonnay grape seedling growth and nitrogen nutrition Effects of NH+4-N /NO-3-N ratio on secondary metabolism and disease resistance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Influence of nitrogen forms ratio on growth and photosynthetic characteristics in Prunella vulgaris Nitrogen losses under simulated rainfall conditions in different cropping lands of Taihu Lake region Effect of N application on N utilization and N balance in spring maize Effects of different water and manure management practices on quality and yield of tomato and NO-3-N accumulations in soil profile Effects of phosphorus fertilization on yield of winter wheat and utilization of soil nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer effects on N recovery and residual soil NO3--N for greenhouse-grown tomato Characteristics soil nitrate nitrogen distribution, accumulation
and nitrogen balance in winter wheat field under drip fertigation
Effects of sulfur application on the growth of cole,soil pH and available P in alkaline soil Effects of Different Nitrogen-form Proportions on the Growth of Schisandra chinensis Seedlings Effects of sodium nitroprusside on alleviating magnesium deficiency of cucumber seedlings under NO-3 stress Preliminary study on NO-3-N threshold in tomato seedlings grown in plug tray Effects of reducing and postponing nitrogen application on soil N supply, plant N uptake and utilization of summer maize DYNAMIC CHANGE OF NO-3-N IN WHEAT/MAIZE INTER CROPING
Effect of different nitrogenous forms on growth and chemical component in tuber of Pinellia pedatisecta Schott. The effects of NaCl on affinity nitrate transport system in Suaeda physophora Pall. Effects of exogenous spermine on activities of antioxidant enzymes and photosynthesis in cucumber seedlings under NO-3 stress Effects of nitrogen application on winter wheat yield and translation of soil NO-3-N