Applications of contingent valuation method in evaluation of non-market values Evaluating the non-use value of sanjiang wetland based on contigent valuation method Evaluation on non-use values of typical lake wetlands in Wuhan A novel cognitive-based approach to motivation for non-use value Economic value of wetland ecosystem services in the Heihe National Nature Reserve of Zhangye Valuation on Non-use Values of Zhalong Wetlands Evaluation of non-use value of ecotourism resources: a case study in Dalai Lake protected area of China Anatomical Structure of Vegetative Organs of Phalaris arundinacea L. in Relation to Drought Resistance,Waterlogging Resistance and Use Value Evaluation on service value of ecosystem of Peri-urban transition zone lake: a case study of Yandong Lake in Wuhan City Evaluation of ecosystem service values of the forests of Shennongjia Nature Reserve. Spatial differentiation research of non-use value WTP based on the residents’ecological cognition:taking the sanjiang plain as a case