Preparation of isoandrographolide solid lipid nanoparticles and their in vitro release Preparation of isoandrographolide solid lipid nanoparticles and their in vitro release Study on release mechanism of berberine hydrochloride-loaded carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan pellets for colonic delivery THE PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON CONTROLLED AVALIABILITY FERTILIZERS Herbivore-induced plant volatiles: primary characteristics, ecological functions and its release mechanism Preparation of sinomenine hydrochloride κ-carrageenan /konjac glucomannan matrix tablets and study on its in vitro release mechanism Preparation and formulation optimization of Breviscapin Sustained-release Pellets Preparation of silybin controlled-release formulations and study on their release mechanism Study on preparation and release mechanism of  effervescent osmotic pump tablet of compound Danshen Research advances on controlled-release mechanisms of nutrients in coated fertilizers

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