Identification of pathogen causing Phytophthora stem rot of adzuki bean and screening for resistant germplasm PREVENTING THE OCCURRENCE OF RAPESEED STEM ROT BY CONTROLLING THE APOTHECIA ON THE FIELD RIDGES Screening of Microbes and Fungicides for Controlling Alfalfa Sclerotinia Stem Rot Study On the Etiology of Pomegranate Canker Diseases Differential gene expression during early stage of incompatible interaction between soybean and Phytophthora sojae Identification of Fungal Pathogen of Stem Rot of Bayberry (Myrica rubra) and Screening of Fungicides STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN OF STEM-ROT OF CHINESE WATERCHESTNUT AND ITS BIOLOGY OCCURENCE OF STEM ROT OF ASPARAGUS AND ITS CONTROL Stem rot of Cistanche deserticola