Effects of different long-term fertilization on the activities of enzymes related to carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in a red soil. Bud population dynamics of Phragmites australis in heterogeneous habitats of Northeast grassland, China. INVESTIGATION ON NITRIFICATION AND DENITRIFICATION OF SOIL UNDER INSTALLING CULTIVATION CONDITIONS INVENTORY AND FLUXES OF NITROGEN IN SOIL IN THE HAIHE RIVER BASIN Relationships between vegetation characteristics and soil properties at different restoration stages on slope land with purple soils in Hengyang of Hunan Province, South-central China. Effects of Festuca arundinacea on the microbial community in crude oil-contaminated saline-alkaline soil. Effects of extraneous inorganic nitrogen forms on the dynamics of soil amino sugars. Roles of soil dissolved organic carbon in carbon cycling of terrestrial ecosystems: A review. Research advances in microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls. Effects of biochar application on greenhouse gas emission from paddy soil and its physical and chemical properties. EFFECTS OF MICROORGANISMS IN SYNCHRONIZATION WITH EARTHWORMS ON THE FERTILITIES OF SOIL EFFECT OF A LARlX PRlNCIPlS-RUPPRECHTII FOREST PLANTATION ON SOIL IN MIDDLE ZONE OF SOUTH—FACING SLOPE OF THE QINLING MOUNTAINS