Sequence Analyses of Chloroplastic psaA Gene Fragment from Phaeocystis globosa Biomagnification of Hg in antarctic scats Roles of Proline and Soluble Sugar in the Cold-adaptation of Antarctic Ice Microalgae Biogeochemical Characteristics of Aquatic Plant in Fields Peninsula,Antarctic Moss Communities and Their Characteristics in Ice-free Areas of the Windmill Islands, Wilkes Land, Continental Antarctica The Bryophytes of the King George Island, Antarctica Application of Pichia pastoris Original Constitutive Strong Promoter GCW14 in Candidn antarctic Lipase B Yeast Surface Display Population age structure of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba off the northern Antarctic Peninsula based on fishery survey Freezing properties of Antarctic bacterial exopolysaccharides solutions by differential scanning calorimetry On General Aspects of the Antartica Plants and Vegetation and Them Propects in Botanical Research Proteomic Alterations of Antarctic Ice Microalga Chlamydomonas sp. Under Low-Temperature Stress

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