Plankton in Hengqin Island Sea in the Pearl River Estuary in spring Seasonal abundance and distribution of Pelagic Euphausiids in the Changjiang Estuary, China The distribution of bacterioplankton in the Yellow Sea Cold Water M1ass (YSCWM) Evaluation on methods in quantitatively sampling and counting crustacean zooplankton A brief review for ecological studies on nano-plankton Distribution patterns of pelagic euphausiids in the East China Sea Biodiversity and water quality variations in constyucted wetlands of Yongding River system Effect of global warming on abundance variation of Parathemisto gaudichardi (Amphipoda) in the Changjiang Estuary Feeding habitats and trophic levels of Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye in Liaodong Bay based on analyzing carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Ecological characters of the Eucalanus subcrassus population in the East China Sea Statistical analysis to ecological group of Thaliacea in the East China Sea The dominant species of euphausiids in the east China sea and their ecological adaptability