Effect of silicon supply on Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) growth under the salinization conditions Path analysis of morphological parameters of Convolvulus tragacuthoiedes population and individual biomass modeling of subshrubs Differentiation of Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Based on Multiple Foliar Morphological Parameters Effect of Space Mutantion on Morphological Parameters,Photosynthetic Capacities as well as Contents and Compositions of Secondary Metabolites of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Three-dimensional morphological modeling and visualization of wheat root system. ON INFLUENCES OF POPULATION DENSITY OF PLANTAGO VIRGINICA ON ITS MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Characteristics of Plant Morphological Parameters and Its Correlation Analysis in Maize under Planting with Gradually Increased Density Effects of P, K and Ca deficiency on the root morphology and nutrient absorption of Poncirus trifoliata seedlings