DNA extraction on three different materials of Larix chinensis Preparation of DNA from Silica Gel Dried Mini-amount of Leaves of Oryza rufipogon for RAPD Study and Total DNA Bank Construction Comparison of the methods for extracting and purifying microbial total DNA from an aeolian sandy soil. Isolation of total DNA from Pinaceae plants Isolation and Characterization of Total DNA from Several Endangered Species and Their Allies FAST AND CONVENIENT ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TOTAL DNA IN FOKIENIA HODGINSII (DUNN) HENRY ET THOMAS Analysis of population genetic differences of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis Genetic Transformation of Soybeans by Soaking Its Seeds with the Total DNA of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) Ⅱ.Determination of Isoflavone Content by HPLC