Abstract:Bawangling gibbon natural reserve is situated in western Hainan Island, 18 ˚50′–19˚05′N. and 109 ˚05′–109 ˚25′ E. Its altitude ranges from 400m to 1437m, and area is about 20.9km2. There are rich resources of plants and animals in the reserve, and the vegetation is typical of Hainan mountains.Classification of vegetation types is made according to the characters of habitats, community structures, flora, etc., and four types of communities are obtained: montane rain forest, valley rain forest (submontane rain forest), mossy forest and elfin woodland. The methods of similar coefficient, diversity index, frequency diagram, IV- and area curve all provided quantitative support for the classification. The behaviour of the gibbon (Hylobates concolor) and the relationship between the gibbon and its forest environment were given by this primary investigation.The result suggests that the vegetation of the reserve is a primitive one composed mainly of montane rain forests, which provides a better environment for the gibbon’s survival and reproduction.