对环境变化的适应机理一直是进化生物学和生态学长期争论的核心课题。根据适应逆境的生态学和分子生理的最新进展,设想逆境诱导转座子的转座,影响转录因子的表达, 随即改变一系列抗性基因的表达水平,抗性种群快速适应形成;由此可能建立一个统一的进化理论。从黄河入海口野生大豆(Glycine soja)盐渍种群植株DNA扩增到一段干旱应答元件结合蛋白 基因(DREB)序列,称为GsDREB1。克隆了一个全长的类Gypsy逆转录转座子整合酶基因序列,称为GsINT。种群内各植株该序列有多个拷贝,植株间存在限制片段长度多态性。根据所得 的这两个序列,设计并合成包括GsINT 5′上游保守序列的Gs_1等若干引物,试图检测野大豆基因组中GsDREB1的5′上游是否存在逆转录转座子整合酶序列。将GsDREB1标记为探针,Sout hern杂交表明用Gs_1为正向引物GmDR1为逆向引物所扩增的产物既是多拷贝而又与GsDREB1高度同源。这一对引物扩增和部分测序的结果暗示逆转录转座子有的插入DREB的5′上游 ,种群内外植株间显现两基因间隔长度的多样性。据此提出抗性种群形成即适应进化分子机理的下列假说。正常种群主要由非抗性普通植株组 成。当环境发生变化处于逆境条件时,种群内植株转座频率大大增加。转座子非定向地插入基因组。多数突变中性,不影响表型。少数插入到转录因子的5′上游或其编码区,可促进或阻抑其表达,由此引发转录因子所控制的抗性基因网络表达的增加或减少,抗性相应增加或降低。总的结果是在短时间内就能积累包括高抗性植株在内的有各种抗性水平的个体; 对逆境敏感的个体不断地被自然选择所淘汰,但逆境不断诱导其产生,少数植株有可能利用逆境减弱的较短时间完成发育得以生存下来。此假说可以解释逆境条件下的植物种群为什么能快速形成而有更高的遗传多样性;又为什么抗性种群在高抗性植株产生的同时有时存在敏感植株。逆境促进的转座改变转录因子基因表达可能是植物生理和形态快速进化的一般分子机理。
Aims Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of local adaptation to changing environments represents a central goal in evolutionary biology and ecology. Formation of adaptive populations probably involves activation or repression of pre-existing tolerant genes by transcription factors (TFs) and retrotransposons under stress. Research in this area can lead toward to a unified theory of evolution.
Methods The consensus sequence of drought responsive element binding protein (DREB ) from the wild soybean (Glycine soja) in Yellow River delta has been cloned, sequenced, and called GsDREB1. An integrase gene of Gypsy-like retrotransposon called GsINT was also cloned from G. soja. Southern hybridization indicated that GsINT consisted of multiple copies and showed restriction fragment length polymorphism among individuals in salinity populations. From both sequences of GsINT and GsDREB1, other pairs of primers were designed for amplification of 5′upstream of GsDREB1 in order to see if partial sequence of GsINT was inserted. Results indicated multiple copies of space sequence between INT and DREB and its diversity among individuals of plants within each population. Gene cloning and sequencing of amplified products showed possible existence of GsINT sequence in 5′ upstream of GsDREB1.
Important findings Results led to a hypothesis on the origin of tolerant populations, i.e., a molecular mechanism on adaptive evolution of plants. In normal conditions, plant populations mainly contain non-tolerant individuals. Under stress conditions, retrotransposons increase their frequency of transposition. Most mutants are neutral without phenotypical change. Few insertions located into 5′ upstream of transcriptional factors will change intensity of TFs’ expression. Then a series of pre-existed stress responsive genes controlled by TFs will simultaneously change their rates of gene expression, resulting in formation of more tolerant or sensitive individuals. Individuals with high stress tolerance may appear by accumulation of several tolerant inserts step by step. As a result of complicated interaction among genes, plants with different levels of stress tolerance occur quickly under stress. By means of natural selection, stress-sensitive plants are lost under stress conditions; however, stress itself continuously creates new sensitive individuals. Few of them with a short life cycle may survive by using a short period time of weakened stress. This hypothesis explains that tolerant populations quickly form because transposition frequency under stress becomes very high. It also explains why tolerant populations contain higher genetic diversity and why a few stress-sensitive individuals exist under stress conditions.