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全 文 :Co rr espondence:M arjan NASSIRI-ASL , PhD , Assistant P ro fe sso r;Tel:+98 2813324970;E-mail:marjannassiriaslm @
Original Experimental Research 实验论著
Effects of Urtica dioica extract on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic rats
Marjan NASSIRI-ASL1 , Farzaneh ZAMANSOLTANI2 , Esmail ABBASI1 , Mohammad-Mehdi DANESHI3 ,
Amir-Abdollah ZANGIVAND1
1.Depar tment o f Pharmaco log y , School of Medicine , Qazv in Univer sity o f Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , I ran
2.Depar tment o f Anatomy , Schoo l o f Medicine , Qazvin Univ ersity of Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , Iran
3.Depar tment o f Labo rato ry Sciences , Qods Hospital , Qazvin Unive rsity o f Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , I ran
Objective:To investigate the effects of extract of Urtica dioica , a perennial herb in I ran , on lipid profile in
hypercholesterolemic rats.
Methods:The effects of Urtica dioica extract were tested by using it as a supplement in a high-cholesterol
diet.Male rats were fed a high cholesterol diet(10 mL/kg)for 4 weeks withUrtica dioica extract(100 or
300 mg/kg)or 10 mg/kg lovastatin supplementation to study the hypocholesterolemic effects of Urtica dioica
on plasma lipid levels , hepat ic enzymes act ivities , and liver histopathological changes.
Results:Urtica dioica extract at 100 and 300 mg/kgsignificantly reduced the levels of total cholesterol(TC),
and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)and also markedly decreased liver enzymes and weight in
animals with a high cholesterol diet.Hematoxylin and eosin staining showed that in the 100 mg/kg extract of
Urtica dioica group , the appearance of the liver cells was similar to the control group , and steatosis and
inflammation were not found.In the 300 mg/kg extract of Urtica dioica group , mild steatosis was observed
but mononuclear inflammatory infilt ration was not found.
Conclusion:The hepatic histopathological results reflect the correlation of Urtica dioica extract with both liver
weight and the levels of plasma TC and LDL-C.These results indicate that Urtica dioica extract has
hypocholesterolemic effects in the animal model.
Keywords:alcoholic extract , Urtica dioica ;hypercholesterolemia;rats
Nassiri-Asl M , Zamansoltani F , Abbasi E , Daneshi MM , Zang ivand AA.J Chin Integr Med.2009;7(5):428-433.
Received October 30 , 2008;accepted March 3 , 2009;published online May 15 , 2009.
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Fo rw ard linking and refe rence linking via CrossRef.
DOI:10.3736/ jcim20090506 Open Access
Marjan NASSIRI-ASL 1 , Farzaneh ZAMANSOLTANI2 , Esmail ABBASI1 , Mohammad-Mehdi
3 , Amir-Abdo llah ZANGIV AND1
1.Depar tment o f Pharmaco log y , School of Medicine , Qazv in Univer sity o f Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , I ran
2.Depar tment o f Anatomy , Schoo l o f Medicine , Qazvin Univ ersity of Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , Iran
3.Depar tment o f Labo rato ry Sciences , Qods Hospital , Qazvin Unive rsity o f Medical Sciences , Qazvin 341197-5981 , I ran
方法:雄性大鼠口服高胆固醇饮食(10 mL/kg)4 周 ,制备高胆固醇血症大鼠模型。造模同时灌服 100 、
300 mg/kg大荨麻提取物或10 mg/kg 洛伐他汀。观察大荨麻提取物对大鼠血脂 、肝功能和肝脏病理的影响。
结果:100 、300 mg/kg大荨麻提取物可以明显减少高胆固醇血症大鼠血总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量 ,
并可以降低丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransferase , A LT)和天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(aspartate
aminotransferase , AST)活性。苏木精和伊红染色显示 ,100 mg/kg 大荨麻提取物组肝脏组织未见明显脂肪变
·428· 中西医结合学报 2009年 5月第 7卷第 5期 Journal of Chinese Integ rat ive Medicine , May 2009 , Vol.7 , No.5
性 ,细胞形态与对照组相似;300 mg/kg 大荨麻提取物组肝脏组织可见到中等程度的脂肪变性。
结论:大荨麻提取物可能通过降低血浆胆固醇含量和血浆 ALT 、AST 活性治疗大鼠高胆固醇血症 。
 Lipid levels are a metabolic risk factor for cardiovas-
cular disease(CVD)and abnormalities in plasma lipo-
protein classes , and derangements in lipid metabolism
rank among themost firmly-established and best-under-
stood risk factors for atherosclerosis
[ 1] .Plasma choles-
terol levels are regulated by the absorption of dietary
cholesterol , excretion of cholesterol via fecal sterols or
bile acids , cholesterol biosynthesis , and removal of cho-
lesterol from circulation.Numerous previous studies
have reported on the beneficial effects of hepatic 3-
hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)
reductase and acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltrans-
ferase(ACAT)inhibitors on hypercholesterolemia and
atherosclerosis[ 2 , 3] .Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
transfers cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues ,
whereas high-density lipoprotein (HDL)facilitates the
translocation of cholesterol from the peripheral tissues
to the liver for catabolism.Therefore , HDL has a use-
ful effect in reducing tissue cholesterol and an elevated
ratio of serum total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol(HDL-C)is suggested with a decreased level of LDL
cholesterol(LDL-C)to reduce the risk of cardiovascular
[ 4] .In recent decades, it was shown that a high
cholesterol level and a high ratio of saturated and mo-
nounsaturated topolyunsaturated fatty acids in the blood
predisposes patients to vascular diseases , whereas a
high dietary intake of vegetables and fruits has the
opposite effect[ 5 , 6] .
 Urtica dioica is a common herb in most region of the
world.It is used to treat rheumatic pain , urinary tract
infections and bladder stone
[ 7] .It has several pharma-
cological properties such as anti-inflammatory , antimi-
crobial , antioxidative activities and hepatoprotective and
cardioprotective effects[ 8-13] .In previous studies , it
has shown that Urtica dioica decreased the lipid
peroxidation and liver enzymes , and increased the
antioxidant defense system activity in the carbon
tetrachloride-treated rats[ 9 , 10] . Thus , in this study we examined the hypocholes-
terolemic effects of chronic administration of
alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica in rats.It was
predicted that it would show hypocholesterolemic
effects on the lipid profile and liver tissue due to its
1 Materials and methods
1.1 Materials
1.1.1 Animal Fifty male Wistar rats(250 to 300 g)
were obtained from the Razi Institute(Karaj , Iran)
and housed in groups of four per cage under stand-
ard laboratory conditions.They were kept at con-
stant room temperature(21±2)℃under a normal
12-h light/12-h dark cycle with free access to food
and water.All animal experiments were carried out
in accordance with the European Communities
Council Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/
EEC)to minimize their suffering.
1.1.2 Chemicals Cholic acid was purchased from
Merck.The other drugs used in this study were
lovastatin (Tehran Chemie Pharmaceutical Co.,
Tehran , Iran), propylthiouracil (Iran Hormone ,
Tehran , Iran), ketamine (Rotexmedica , GmbH ,
Germany), and xylazine (Loughrea Co., Galway ,
1.1.3 Preparation of extract Urtica d ioica was
collected from Qazvin and authenticated by Qazvin
Agriculture and National Resources Research Cen-
ter , I ran(Voucher No.957).Leaves were dried in
the shade and followed by grinding into fine pow-
der.Then , the powder was extracted by using mac-
eration with ethanol.In the maceration method ,
100 g of the powder was macerated in 1 L ethanol(volume fraction is 70%) for 3 days and subse-
quently , the solution was filtered and concentrated
in a rotary evaporator at 50 ℃.The yield of the ex-
tract was 10% in weight fraction.
1.2 Experimental methods
1.2.1  Rat model of hypercholesterolemia  In
rats , hypercholesterolemia was induced by daily ga-
vage administration of 10 mL/kg body weight(BW)
of a cocktail containing in 1 L peanut oil:100 g cho-
lesterol , 30 g propylthiouracil , and 100 g cholic
acid over a period of 28 days.The test compounds
were administered simultaneously with the cock-
[ 14] . The rats were divided into five groups of ten ani-
mals each.Rats in control group received peanut oil
orally(10 mL/kg)which served as control.Rats in
untreated group were given the cocktail only as de-
scribed above.Rats in lovastatin group were admin-
istered cocktail plus lovastatin (10 mg/kg).While
rats inUrtica dioica extract groups were adminis-
tered cocktail plus 100 mg/kg Urtica dioica ex-
tract or cocktail plus 300 mg/kg Urtica dioica ex-
1.2.2  Laboratory testing The lipid profile was
analyzed by using commercially available kits for
HDL-C , LDL-C , total cholesterol (TC), and tri-
glycerides (TG)(Pars Azmoon , Iran)and ex-
pressed in mmol/L.Plasma alanine aminotrans-
ferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase
(AST)activities were analyzed by using biochemi-
cal analysis kits(Pars Azmoon , I ran)and expressed
in U/L. Twenty-four hours after the last gavages , rats
were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection
of ketamine(60 mg/kg)and xylazine (6 mg/kg).
Blood samples were taken from left ventricle of the
·429·中西医结合学报 2009年 5月第 7卷第 5期 J ou rnal of C hinese Integrative Medicine , May 2009 , Vol.7 , No.5
heart and collected into test tubes to obtain plasma.
Samples were subsequently centrifuged for 10 min
(4 000×g).Plasma was separated and used for
the assessment of TC , HDL-C , LDL-C , TG levels
and AST and ALT activities.
1.2.3  Liver histopathological assessment  The
livers were removed , weighed , and then cut into
small pieces.Liver weight(LW)as well as BW was
recorded.Tissue weights were normalized to whole
body weight. Liver sections were fixed in 10% formaldehyde ,
dehydrated in gradual ethanol (50% to 100%),
cleared in xylene and embedded in paraffin.Sec-
tions (4 to 5 μm thick)were prepared and stained
with hematoxylin and eosin (HE)dye for his-
topathological examination and observed under a
microscope at a magnification of 100
[ 15] .
1.3 Statistical analysis The data were expressed
as x±s and tested with one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)followed by multiple comparison test of
Tukey-Kramer.Results withP <0.05 were consid-
ered significant.
2 Results
2.1 Effects of alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on
plasma l ipid profile  Feeding a high cholesterol
diet in rats in the untreated group for 28 days resul-
ted in hypercholesterolemia , as evidenced by the
plasma TC and LDL-C levels , which were higher
than those in the control group (P <0.01 , Table
1).The levels of TC in the Urt ica dioica extract
groups at 100 and 300 mg/kg and the lovastatin
group were reduced by 22.9%, 11.4%, and
14.6%, respectively as compared with the un-
treated group.However , the differences between
these groups in comparison with the control group
were significant (P <0.01).
 LDL-C levels in theUrt ica d ioica extract groups
at 100 and 300 mg/kg and the lovastatin group de-
creased by 21.8%, 12.5%, and 9.4% respectively
as compared with the untreated group (Table 1).
The differences between the Urt ica dioica extract
groups , and the lovastatin group in comparison with
the control group were significant(P <0.01)(Ta-
ble 1).The differences between all groups were not
significant in regards to HDL-C and TG levels.
2.2 Effects of alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on
plasma AST and ALT activities  The measured
plasma AST and ALT activities in rats that con-
sumed theUrt ica dioica extract-supplemented high
cholesterol diet and lovastatin are shown in Table
2.The differences of plasma AST and ALT activi-
ties between the untreated group and the control
group were significant(P <0.01).Plasma AST in
the Urt ica dioica groups at 100 and 300 mg/kg
were reduced as compared with the untreated group
by 95% and 70.4% respectively.The difference
between these groups in comparison with control
was not significant (Table 2).Plasma AST activity
in the lovastatin group was reduced by 76.4% as
compared with the untreated group.The difference
between the lovastatin group and the control group
was not significant (Table 2). Moreover , Urt ica dioica extract at doses of 100
and 300 mg/kg had a decreased plasma ALT activity
as compared with the untreated group by 50.3%
and 41%, respectively.Also, the difference be-
tween these groups in comparison with control was
not significant(Table 2).Plasma ALT activity was
reduced in the lovastatin group by 48%as compared
with the untreated group.Moreover , the difference
between this group and the control group was not
significant(Table 2).
Table 1 Effects of alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on plasma lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic rats(x±s , mmo l/ L)
Cont rol 10 3.70±0.10 1.96±0.10 2.05±0.20 1.30±0.10
Un t reated 10 9.65±0.10** 3.26±0.10** 2.60±0.50 1.25±0.05
Lovastat in(10 m g/ kg) 10 8.26±0.05**■ 2.94±0.07**■ 2.30±0.30 1.03±0.04
Ex tract ofUr tica dioica(100 m g/ kg) 10 7.48±0.50**■■ 2.58±0.06**■■ 2.21±0.05 1.10±0.10
Ex tract ofUr tica dioica(300 m g/ kg) 10 8.52±0.02**■ 2.84±0.01**■■ 2.60±0.05 1.20±0.10
  **P <0.01 , vs cont rol group;■P <0.05 , ■■ P <0.01 , vs un treated g roup.
Table 2 Effects of alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on plasma AST and ALT activities and LW/BW ratio in hypercholesterolemic rats
(x ±s)
Group n AST (U/ L) ALT (U/ L) LW/ BW rat io
Cont rol 10 95±30 94±6 0.040 3±0.000 8
Unt reated 10 248±39** 173±30** 0.061 4±0.004 0**
Lovas tat in(10 mg/ k g) 10 59±10 90±7 0.060 4±0.003 5**
Ext ract of Urt ica dioica(100 mg/ k g) 10 12±10 86±19 0.057 3±0.001 5
Ext ract of Urt ica dioica(300 mg/ k g) 10 74±9 102±4 0.056 2±0.002 4
  **P <0.01 , vs cont rol group.
·430· 中西医结合学报 2009年 5月第 7卷第 5期 Journal of Chinese Integ rat ive Medicine , May 2009 , Vol.7 , No.5
2.3 Effect of alcoholic extract of Urt ica dioica on
LW/BW ratio The ratios of LW to BW in the un-
treated and lovastatin groups were significantly
higher than that in the control group (P <0.01)(Table 2).Moreover , there were no differences in
LW/BW ratios between the Urtica dioica groups(100 , 300 mg/kg)and the control group(Table 2).
2.4 Effects of alcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on
histopathological changes In the control group , a
normal lobular pattern , hepatic cells with well-
preserved cytoplasm , a prominent nucleus , and a
well-visualized central vein were observed in liver
sections (Figure 1A).In the untreated group ,
microvesicular fatty changes , small-droplet fat in
hepatocytes with centrally located nuclei , mononu-
clear inflammatory infiltration , and venous conges-
tion were observed (Figure 1B).In the lovastatin
group , small-droplet fat in hepatocytes of zone Ⅲ
and mononuclear inflammatory infiltration were ob-
served (Figure 1C).In the 100 mg/kg extract of
Urtica dioica group , the appearance of the cells
was similar to the control group.Steatosis and in-
flammation were not found (Figure 1D).In the
300 mg/kg extract of Urtica dioica group , mild
steatosis was observed but mononuclear inflamma-
tory infiltration was not found (Figure 1E).
Figure 1 HE stained section of the rat liver(Light microscopy , ×100)
A:Cont rol group;B:Untreated grou p;C:Lovastat in(10 mg/ kg) group;D:Ext ract of Urt ica d ioica(100 mg/ k g)group;E:Ext ract of
Urt ica d ioica(300 mg/ kg)group.
3 Discussion
 Rats are generally considered to be resistant to
naturally occurring and experimentally induced ath-
erosclerosis[ 16] .High-dose of dietary cholesterol
combined with bile acids and experimentally in-
duced hypothyroidism have been demonstrated to
lead to the development of atherosclerotic lesions in
rats[ 17] .Therefore , in the current study hyperchol-
esterolemia was induced in rats , as was evidenced
by the total cholesterol level in plasma after feeding
the animals a high-cholesterol diet.After the model
was established , the possible hypercholesterolemic
effects of chronic administration of Urt ica dioica
extract were examined in rats.In this context , the
plasma lipid profile , liver enzymes , and tissues
were investigated. According to the results , the effects of Urtica
dioica extract at 100 and 300 mg/kg , and lovastatin
at 10 mg/kg in reducing plasma TC and LDL-C
were statistically significant as compared with the
untreated group.However , it seems that the
effects ofUrt ica dioica extract at 100 mg/kg were
greater than administration ofUrt ica dioica extract
at 300 mg/kg. This result is similar to previous finding by Avci
et al[ 18] .They found that ethanol extract ofUrit ica
dioica at a dose of 100 mg/kg greatly reduced TC
and LDL-C as compared with aqueous extract.In
addition , Daher et al [ 19] found that aqueous extract
ofUrtica dioica (150 mg/kg)could reduce TC and
LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio.It was suggested that
the extract may have a direct role in lipoprotein
synthesis and metabolism. A hypercholesterolemic diet caused an increase in
oxidative stress in the liver , resulted in an increase
in AST and ALT activities , and induced fatty
[ 20 , 21] .Therefore , in the present study , ALT
and AST , apart from cholesterol , were also evalua-
ted in order to reveal the protective effects of
Urtica dioica extract on hepatic enzymes.As a re-
sult , it seems that supplementing high diet choles-
terol with 100 and 300 mg/kgUrt ica dioica extract
or lovastatin could decrease AST and ALT activi-
ties.As the LW/BW ratio indicates , it is possible
that animals that receivedUrt ica d ioica extract at
100 mg/kg or 300 mg/kg with their hypercholes-
terolemic diets have less fat accumulation in the liver.
·431·中西医结合学报 2009年 5月第 7卷第 5期 J ou rnal of C hinese Integrative Medicine , May 2009 , Vol.7 , No.5
 Meguroet al [ 22] has explained several mechanisms
about the cholesterol-lowering activity of plant ste-
rols.It was reported that plant sterols which are
structurally similar to cholesterol could displace
cholesterol from mixed micelles , since they are
more hydrophobic than cholesterol.This replace-
ment causes a reduction of micellar cholesterol con-
centration and consequently lowers cholesterol ab-
sorption[ 22] .Thus , it is possible thatUrtica dioica
extract could decrease the storage of cholesterol
through this mechanism.  Furthermore , the other possibility for the
hepatoprotective effects of Uri tica d ioica extract
may be related to antioxidant activity to prevent
liver injury.Another possible explanation for the
decreased liver damage and lower liver enzymes for
theUri tica dioica extract(100 mg/kg)with a high
cholesterol diet in animals depends on the anti-
inflammatory effects of it , as anti-inflammatory
effects ofUrtica dioica extract have been reported
in several studies[ 23 , 24] .However , further studies
are needed to establish the exact mechanism. Statins also have an anti-inflammatory effect that is
independent of a change in cholesterol level[ 25, 26] . In conclusion , our findings indicate that Uritica
dioica extract at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg lowered
liver weight as well as plasmaTC and LDL contents
and also liver enzymes activities in animals with a
high cholesterol diet.The hepatic histopathological
results reflect a correlation ofUri tica d ioica extract(100 and 300 mg/kg)with both liver weight and
the levels of plasma TC and LDL-C.However , his-
topathological results showed that liver injury in
rats given 100 mg/kgUrt ica dioica extract was less
than in rats given 300 mg/kg of Urit ica dioica ex-
tract.Our data clearly indicate the anti-hyperchol-
esterolemic effects of Urtica dioica extract in an
animal model.
4 Acknowledgment
 This work was supported by a grant from Qazvin
University of Medical Sciences , Iran.The authors
are grateful for i ts financial support.
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·433·中西医结合学报 2009年 5月第 7卷第 5期 J ou rnal of C hinese Integrative Medicine , May 2009 , Vol.7 , No.5

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