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全 文 :Rhizome Elongation Growth of Umbrella Bamboo
(Fargesia murielae) Seedlings at Its Native Home
in Central China
Ling WANG, Kun LI, Yinping MENG, Liya ZHAO, Zhaohua LI*
School of Resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31070370).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: zli@hubu.edu.cn
Received: February 2, 2012 Accepted: March 12, 2012A
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to investigate the rhizome elongation growth of
umbrella bamboo (Fargesia murielae) seedlings in China. [Method] The study was
conducted in Liangfengya, Shennongjia National Nature Reserve. In the field investi-
gation, six clumps of umbrella bamboo which grow independently were randomly se-
lected and labeled. Rhizome elongation growth parameters, length and diameter of
all the ages were measured. The age classes of bamboo rhizome were ascertained
by age grade backtracking method. [Result] Field investigation suggested that at
seedling phase, rhizome of umbrella bamboo prolonged very quickly under yearly
time sequence, following an exponential curve. It indicated that although it was 15
years since the mother population died back, new generation had not been estab-
lished its stable population yet. [Conclusion] Studying elongation regulation of umbrel-
la bamboo may provide the theory understanding of life cycle of this long lived bam-
boo species.
Key words Fargesia murielae; Cloning growth; Bamboo rhizome; Curve fitting;
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(5): 969-971, 1027
Copyright訫 2012, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Forestry
C loning plant is a special phyto-group, since it can occupylarge habitat through its unique
cloning growth. Within the scope of
certain time and space, ramets are
connected by roots or stolons, and
they can support the new ramets suc-
cessfully settle in poor resources patch
through physiological integration [ 1 -3 ] .
Therefore, cloning growth has an im-
portant significance of ecological ada-
ptation. At present, researches about
cloning growth are mainly focused on
herbaceous plants, yet researches on
woody cloning are rarely reported.
Bamboo is a typical woody cloning
plant, and its nutrition growth usually
maintains more than 30 years even
hundreds of years, thus has a strong
ability of asexual reproduction[4]. In the
heterogeneous habitat, bamboo is
mainly through changing rhizomes
length, branching angle and intensity
to set more feeding points in the micro
habitat of rich resources[5]. The growth
features of bamboo rhizomes directly
influence the distribution pattern, the
physiological integration, the ecologi-
cal countermeasure and the shoots
quality of clonal population [ 6 -7 ] . Re-
searches on cloning growth pattern of
rhizome are extremely needed to
make a fully understanding of bamboo
population ecology.
Umbrella bamboo (Fargesia
murielae), one of the most popular
garden bamboos, is naturally endemic
in Shennongjia National Nature Re-
serve at Hubei Province in Central
China. The population synchronously
flowered and died back in the years of
1996-2000[8- 9]. Rhizomes of umbrella
bamboo are of sympodial type. Ac-
cording to reports, umbrella bamboos
can asexually propagate for about 100
years, and form an intensive system
underground, because the rhizomes of
bamboo can survive in extreme condi-
tions . Some researches reported that
arrow bamboo (Fargesia spathe-
ceous) usually needs 15 -21 years
from seeds sprouting to developing a
stable population [10-11]. So far the re-
searches of F. murielae are mainly
about the altitude diversity of commu-
nity [12], the vegetation renewal [13] and
the sprouting and distribution of
seeds[14-15], and growth pattern of its rhi-
zome lacks. Studying elongation regu-
lation of umbrella bamboo may provide
the theory understanding of life cycle
of this long lived bamboo species.
Materials and Methods
Study area
The study was conducted in
Liangfengya (31°26′ N, 110°14′ E,
2 723m altitude), Shennongjia National
Nature Reserve, the west part of
Hubei Province, Central China,shown
as Fig.1. With mountain slopes around
20-30 degrees, the study area has a
monsoon climate of North subtropics,
with cloudy, high humidity and heavy
wind. The annual average temperature
is above 0 ℃ in most area, and the av-
erage temperature is over 18 ℃ during
the warmest days in July, with a frost-
free season of 100 to 120 d and a long
freeze-up. The peak annual rainfall is
up to 2 500 mm. The soil type is
meadow burozem with thick humus
layer. Umbrella bamboo in study area
is assumed to be wild but not farmed,
and covered by a thin grass layer with-
out trees or shrub.
Field investigation The field inves-
tigation of umbrella bamboo seedlings
was recorded in August 2011. In the
site, six clumps of umbrella bamboo
which grows independently were ran-
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.5, 2012
domly selected and labeled. Rhizome
elongation growth parameters, length
and diameter, of all the age classes
were measured. The age classes of
bamboo rhizome were ascertained by
age grade backtracking method.
Statistical analysis Data on um-
brella bamboo seedlings, length and
diameter of different age class were
analyzed by regression analysis, by
using the statistical software SPSS
Statistics 17.0[16-18].
Results and Analysis
Through SPSS Statistics 17.0, a
histogram of rhizome length and yearly
time sequence of each clump was ob-
tained (Fig.2). From the histogram, we
recognized that a positive curve rela-
tionship existed apparently between
the rhizome length and yearly time
For each sample, the regression
analysis results were shown as Fig.3.
And the curves fit the growth, S-shaped
and exponential curves respectively.
The correlation coefficient (R), signifi-
cant index (sig.) and residual sum of
squares (SSe) of each curve were
shown in Table 1.
From Table 1, we can see that,
sig. values of all fitting curves were
less than 0.05, indicating the curve
models were suitable and of important
statistical significance. Correlation co-
efficient (R) of all fitting curves was
above 0.95, showing the close bond of
rhizome length and yearly time se-
quence. Residual sum of squares
(SSe) showed that the S-shaped
curves of the samples 1, 2 and 3 were
better than their growth and exponen-
tial curves, while it was opposite in
samples 4, 5 and 6.
The rhizome age class of the
sample 5 was the most integrated
sample of 13-year-old. That was to
say, the cloning growth could retro-
spect to 1999, and it could accurately
connect with the fact that the popula-
tion of umbrella bamboo synchronous-
ly flowered and died back in the year of
1996 -2000 in Shennongjia National
Nature Reserve [8-9]. Therefore the re-
search of rhizome elongation growth
with emphasis on the analysis of the
sample 5 was more able to reflect the
cloning growth characteristics of re-
newed cloning individuals. For the
sample 5, the growth and exponen-
tial curves were superior to the
S-shaped curve, and the growth curve
and exponential curve were com-
pletely coincided.
Cloning growth makes the cloning
plant a strong ability of lateral growth[19].
Rhizome is the major organ of cloning
plants to do cloning integration. The
underground system of bamboo ex-
tends and sprouts bamboo shoots with
roots and rhizomes, directly controls
the bamboo’s breeding and develop-
ment. So far, researches of bamboo
rhizome mainly focus on economic
bamboo species to improve bamboo
forest cultivation and economic bene-
fits [20]. Umbrella bamboo, a typical
dwarf bamboo at high altitude area, is
originated from Shennongjia and is an
indicative species geographically.
However, researches about the rhi-
zome growth pattern of umbrella bam-
boo are scarce. With interference of
various internal and external factors,
the age class structure of over-ground
part is usually not integrated. Bamboo
rhizome growing in deep soil maintains
complete yearly age class structure,
so analyzing the rhizome elongation
pattern of umbrella bamboo can better
reflect the growth regulation of re-
newed individuals.
Analysis on rhizome elongation
pattern of umbrella bamboo showed
that the rhizome growth regulation
matched general characteristics of the
growth curve, and it was right in the
fast-growing stage of its growth cycle.
This result was similar to the former
point that arrow bamboo usually needs
15-21 years from seeds sprouting to
developing a stable population[10-11]. Our
research suggested that at seedling
phase, rhizome of umbrella bamboo
prolonged very quick under yearly time
sequence, following an exponential
curve. It indicted that although it is 15
years since the mother population died
back, new generation has not been es-
tablished its stable population yet.
However, we still need further investi-
Fig.1 The geographic location of research site
Fig.2 The histogram of rhizome length and yearly time sequence of each sample
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.5, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
(Continued on page 1027)
A-F, the samples 1-6.
Fig.3 Curve-fitting of the six samples
Table 1 R, sig. and SSe values of three fitting curves
Samples Growth curve S curve Exponential curve
Sample 1 R 0.954 0.965 0.954
sig. 0.003 0.002 0.003
SSe 0.081 0.063 0.081
Sample 2 R 0.978 0.979 0.978
sig. 0.001 0.001 0.001
SSe 0.064 0.062 0.064
Sample 3 R 0.991 0.997 0.991
sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
SSe 0.024 0.007 0.024
Sample 4 R 0.990 0.962 0.990
sig. 0.000 0.002 0.000
SSe 0.032 0.119 0.032
Sample 5 R 0.974 0.960 0.974
sig. 0.001 0.002 0.001
SSe 0.058 0.088 0.058
Sample 6 R 0.978 0.975 0.978
sig. 0.001 0.001 0.001
SSe 0.037 0.042 0.037
gation to find the inflection point of its
growth curve, namely the transition
point from the J-shaped of exponential
growth to the S-shaped of stable
Since the population of umbrella
bamboo synchronously flowered and
died back in the years of 1996-2000,
the interval to the next group flowering
is still a matter of conjecture, but there
is no reliable data to support. The ex-
ternal interference (wind erosion, rain
and human interference) of bamboo
rhizome was weak so that it could
maintain the relative integrity of yearly
time sequence in extreme environ-
ment. We can get an equation by
curve-fitting of rhizome length and
yearly time sequence, and then indi-
rectly speculate the growth period of
F. murielae, sequentially estimate the
next time of group flowering. At pre-
sent, the research has successfully fit
the growth curve, but data of the flow-
ering rhizome length is lack. The upper
limit of rhizome length is unclear, so
we still need more information to fore-
cast growth cycle of umbrella bamboo.
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Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.5, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
王 玲,李 昆,孟银萍,赵丽雅,李兆华 * (湖北大学资源环境学院,湖北武汉 430062)
摘 要 [目的] 探讨华中神农箭竹更新幼龄地下茎的伸长规律。[方法]在神农架国家自然保护区内凉风垭设置样地,选取六丛独立生长的神农箭
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关键词 神农箭竹;克隆生长;地下茎;曲线拟合;神农架
基金项目 国家自然科学基金(31070370)。
作者简介 王玲(1987-),女,湖北襄阳人,硕士研究生, 从事植物生态学研究,E-mail: wlk_211@126.com。*通讯作者。
收稿日期 2012-02-02 修回日期 2012-03-12
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贺超兴 *,王林闯,张志斌 (中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081)
摘 要 通过采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术对普通土、普通土+G.M、有机土和有机土+G.M四个不同栽培处理下甜椒根际土壤微生物的多
关键词 AM真菌;有机土;DGGE;微生物分子多态性;甜椒
基金项目 国家科技支撑项目课题 (2011BAD12B01);农业部园艺作物遗传改良重点开放实验室资助。
作者简介 贺超兴(1965-),男,陕西铜川人,研究员,博士,从事设施蔬菜有机栽培和微生物研究,E-mail:hechaoxing@126.com。*通讯作者。
收稿日期 2011-12-12 修回日期 2012-04-08