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Distribution characteristics of soil pH, CEC and organic matter in a small watershed of the Loess Plateau


通过野外调查采样和室内分析,研究了黄土高原小流域土壤pH、阳离子交换量(cation exchange capacity,CEC)和有机质的分布特征及其与土地利用方式、地形条件和土壤类型的关系.结果表明:黄土高原小流域土壤pH、CEC和有机质分别介于7.7~8.6、11.9~28.7 cmol·kg-1和3.0~27.9 g·kg-1,分别服从正态分布、对数正态分布和负二项分布.3种土壤性质随地形、土地利用方式和土壤类型的不同差异很大.不同土地利用方式下,土壤有机质和CEC以林地、草地和农田较高,果园较低;pH则以林地较低,其他利用方式较高;不同地形条件下,3种土壤性质均呈塬面和坡地大于沟道和梯田的趋势;不同类型土壤中,有机质和CEC以黑垆土和红土较高,pH则以黄绵土较高.整体上,土壤有机质和CEC呈现出相似的变化趋势,而pH的分布特征则与之相反.

Soil chemical properties play important roles in soil ecological functioning. In this study, 207 surface soil (0-20 cm) samples were collected
 from different representative landscape units in a gully watershed of the Loess Plateau to examine the distribution characteristics of soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter, and their relations to land use type, landform, and soil type. The soil pH, CEC and organic matter content ranged from 7.7 to 8.6, 11.9 to 28.7 cmol·kg-1, and 3.0 to 27.9 g·kg-1, and followed normal distribution, log-normal distribution, and negative binomial distribution, respectively. These three properties were significantly affected by land use type, landform, and soil type. Soil CEC and organic matter content were higher in forestland, grassland and farmland than in orchard land, and soil pH was lower in forestland than in other three land use types. Soil pH, CEC and organic matter content were higher in plateau land and sloping land than in gully bottom and terrace land. Soil CEC and organic matter content were higher in dark loessial soil and rebified soil, while soil pH was higher in yellow loessial soil. Across all the three land scape factors, soil CEC and organic matter content showed the similar distribution pattern, but an opposite distribution pattern was observed for soil pH.

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