全 文 :浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 35(3):237~ 242 , 2009
Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.& Life Sci.)
Article ID:1008-9209(2009)03-0237-06 DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2009.03.001
Received date:2008-04-22
Foundation i tem:Suppo rted by the National Natural S cience Foundation of China(No.30571208).
Biography:SUN H u , m ale , born in 1980 in Zhumadian City , Henan Province , Ph.D., engaged in Plant Pathology.
Corresponding author:ZHANG Jing-ze , male , ass ociated profess or , engaged in Plan t Pathology.T el:0571-86971710;E-mai l:
Identification of causal agent of blossom blight of loquat in Zhejiang
Province , China
S UN Hu , ZHANG Li-li , ZHANG Jing-ze , HU Dong-wei(I nstitute o f Biotechnology , College o f Agriculture &
Biotechnology , Zhe jiang University , Hangz hou 310029 , China)
Abstract:The blo ssom blight of loquat occurr ed severely in 2007 in loquat o rchards in Deqing County ,
Jiaxing District , Zhejiang P rovince of China , causing the flow er spike wilt and death o f loquat.To
identify the causal agent , six Botry tis sp.isolates we re obtained from the diseased f low er spikes o f
loqua t.Based on mo rpho lo gical and cultura l char acte rs , the iso lates w ere identified as Botrytis cinerea
Per s , and its teleomorph is Botryotinia f uckeliana Whetze l.By analy sis of nucleo tide sequences o f the
ITS regions of ribo somal DNA(ITS1 and ITS2)and the 5.8S RNA gene , the sequences o f iso la te s we re
100% identical to tha t of B.f uckeliana , further confirming tha t the pathogen was B .cinerea.
Pathogenicity test show ed that B.cinerea iso la tes wer e able to infect the flower spikes of loquat , causing
the symptoms to be simila r to natural hosts.
Key words:blossom blight of loquat;Botry tis cinerea;identification
CLC number:S432.44;S667.3;Q93-331 Document code:A
孙 虎 ,张丽丽 , 张敬泽 ,胡东维(浙江大学 农业与生物技术学院 生物技术研究所 , 浙江 杭州 310029)
枇杷花疫病病原菌鉴定(英文).浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2009 , 35(3):237-242
摘 要:枇杷花疫病于 2007 年在浙江省德清县严重发生 ,造成枇杷花穗枯萎和死亡.为了鉴定其病原
菌 ,从受害枇杷花穗上分离到 6 个病原菌菌株.依据病原菌的形态学和培养特征 , 该病原菌被鉴定为灰
葡萄孢菌(Botry tis cinerea), 其有性态为富氏葡萄孢盘菌(Botryotinia f uckeliana Whetzel.).通过核糖
体 DNA ITS 序列分析 , 分离菌株序列与富氏葡萄孢盘菌序列 100%同源 , 进一步证明侵染枇杷花穗的
病原菌是灰葡萄孢菌(Botry tis cinerea).致病性试验结果表明 , B .cinerea 能侵染枇杷花穗 , 可引起与自
关 键 词:枇杷花疫病;灰葡萄孢菌;鉴定
The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)is a f ruit
tree in the subfamily M aloideae of the family
Rosaceae , indigenous to southeastern China.In
that region , Deqing County of Zhejiang Province ,
is the most important area of Chinese cultivation.
It is a kind of fresh frui t , with a high sugar , acid
and pectin content.Similarly , its f ruit , skin ,
seeds , and leaves of the tree all have medicinal
uses in t radi tional Chinese medicinal herbs ,
especially being used fo r treating cough , thirst ,
constipation , asthma , nosebleeds and
pharyngolaryngitis.Due to the economic profit
and the huge amount of demands with rapidly
economic development , many loquat orchards
were established in 1997 and both the cv.
Dahongpao and cv.Shiromogi were regarded as
the majority of cultivated cultivars.However , the
blossom blight of loquat w as hardly observed
until the early January , 2007.The disease
occurrence may be close to the warm winter and
excessive rainfall during exceptional w eather
Due to the economic importance of blossom
blight of loquat , the causal o rganism w as
investigated.In this study , we described this
disease and , documented its morphological
characteristics , and compared it to o ther species
of Botrytis.At the same time , the analysis of
rDNA-ITS(internal t ranscribed spacer)sequences
of the isolates , biological characters and
pathogenesis test w ere undertaken as well.
1 Materials and methods
1.1 Observation of symptoms and collection of
Botrytis isolates
During the early January to M arch 2007 , the
symptoms of blossom blight disease w ere
observed in loquat orchards in Deqing County ,
Zhejiang Province , China.The diseased flower
spikes with typical symptoms were collected.
Isolates w ere obtained from fresh diseased flower
spikes.Conidia were removed directly from
sporulating diseased areas on petals , or small
pieces of diseased tissue taken from the margin of
a lesion on petals , were placed on PDA (potato-
dex trose agar) containing rifampicin.Isolates
were t ransferred to PDA , and conidia f rom these
PDA culture were stored in 20%glycerol , in 1.5
mL cryotube , at -70 ℃.
1.2 Morphological and cultural studies
Fo r observing fungal morphology on media ,
small pieces of f rozen conidial suspensions were
removed from stock-culture cryotubes without
thawing , and transferred to Pet ri dishes
containing PDA.Single conidial i solates were
prepared and incubated on PDA.Colonies and
spo res were observed under different temperatures
with 12 h of alternate darkness and fluorescent.
Measurement of spores size was taken from slide
mounts in water.
1.3 DNA extraction
Fungal isolates we re cul tured on PDA at
25 ℃ under coo l f luo rescent illuminat ion.
Afte r four day s , five mycelial disks w ere excised
f rom the margins of colonies and inoculated into
100 mL of liquid growth media(PDB)in 250 mL
flasks , shaken at 200 r min-1 at 25 ℃ for 5 d.
Mycelia were harvested by filt ration , freeze-
dryed , g round to a final pow der in liquid
nit rogen , then sto red at -70 ℃.About 50 mg of
mycelial pow der was removed into a sterile 1.5
mL tube , was rehydrated in 600μL of 2×CTAB
buffer(100 mmol L-1 Tris , pH 8.0 , 1.4 mol
L-1 NaCl , 30 mmol L-1 EDTA , 2%
hexadecyltri-methy lammonium bromide)and was
incubated in a water bath at 65 ℃ for 30-60 min.
Follow ing a phenol/chloroform extraction , the
genomic DNA was precipitated by isopropanol in
the presence of sodium acetate.Genomic DNA
was visualized in 1% agro se gels af ter ethidium
bromide staining.
1.4 Amplification of ITS regions
The ITS regions of rDNA were amplified
using the universal primers ITS6 (5-
3)[ 1] .PCR amplifications were performed in a
total volume of 50 mL containing 40 mmol L-1
Tris-HCl (pH 8.4), 100 mol L-1 KCl , 3 mmol
MgCl2 , 400 mol L-1 of each dN TP , 1μmol
of each primer , and 0.5 U Taq.PCR
238 第 35卷
孙虎 ,等:枇杷花疫病病原菌鉴定(英文)
amplification w as carried out on a DNA thermal
cycler (PTC-150 MiniCycler , MJ RESEARCH
Corp.).Following an initial denaturation at 95 ℃
for 4 min , the DNA templates were amplified for
35 cycles.Each cycle consisted of a denaturation
step at 95 ℃ for 1 min , an annealing step at 55
℃for 1 min , and an ex tension step at 72 ℃ for
1.5 min.At the end , a final ex tension step(72
℃for 10 min)was included.Aliquo ts of 4 L of
the amplification products were electrophoresed
on 1% agarose gels , and the PCR products w ere
subsequent ly stained with ethidium bromide.
Successful PCR amplification products resulted in
a sing le DNA band (corresponding to about 530
bp).The PCR products were purified using a
Biolight PCR Purification Kit (Shanghai Biolight
Technology Co., Ltd) according to the
manufactures inst ructions.
1.5 Sequencing and analysis of rDNA-ITS regions
The purified PCR products w ere
submit ted to Hangzhou Genomics Insti tute for
sequencing in both directions.Sequence files
were assembled and edited , and consensus
sequences w ere const ructed using DNAMAN
4.0 (Lynnon bioSof t).The ITS sequences
were submit ted to the GenBank database.A
Blast search o f the GenBank database w as
carried out for comparing thei r identity w ith
the sequences of other isolates.
1.6 Pathogenicity test
Due to the difficulty of performing
pathogenicity tests in the field , healthy flow er
spikes w ere pick up and inoculated with conidial
suspension(1 ×106 conidia mL-1)from 8 to 10-
day-old cultures in the lab.The inoculated flow er
spikes were kept in glass containers covered with
plastic membrane for tw o days and then in natural
light under outdoor temperature condition (7-15
℃, the middle January , 2007).The treatments
were replicated three times.Similarly diseased
f lower spikes were used for the fungal reisolation.
2 Results
2.1 Symptoms
In the loquat orchards , the E.japonica cv.
Shiromogi origining f rom Japan is mostly
susceptible to the blossom blight pathogen , while
the E.japonica cv.Dahongpao is resistant.On
the susceptible cv.Shiromogi , the symptoms
firstly appeared on petals and w ere characterized
by brow n water-soaked lesions. After an
extended period of high relative humidity , the
entire f lower spike wilted and perished after the
sepals and pedicels were infected (Fig.1).
Diseased parts w ere covered with g rey patches of
Fig.1 Botrytis sp.infected(left)and healthy(right)loquat blossom
239 第 3期
mycelium and abundant conidia of fungus.The
disease incidence of f lower spikes w as up to
80.2%.Whereas , in contrast , on the resistant
cv.Dahongpao , the fungus hardly progressed
into the sepals and pedicels and only a few lesions
were observed on petals at that time.
Six isolates (pipa-dq01 , pipa-dq02 , pipa-
dq03 , pipa-dq04 , pipa-dq05 , pipa-dq06) from
diseased tissues were obtained and subsequent ly
used for the species identification.
2.2 Cultural characters
Colonies or aerial mycelium were produced
under dif ferent temperature.They were compact ,
cottony , white , dirty w hite , grayish w hite , or
hyaline at first but soon becoming light g ray ,
dark gray to dark brow n.The growth speed test
of colonies showed that mycelium grow th ranged
from 5 to 30 ℃ and thei r optimal temperature
was at about 20 ℃ (Fig.2).The mycelium
grow th speed increased from 5 to 20 ℃ with
going-up temperature , reduced from 25 to 30 ℃
and ceased at 35 ℃.But there w as not significant
difference f rom 5 to 15 ℃ and 25 to 30 ℃.
Fig.2 Effect of temperature on growth speed of
Conidia usually produced over the surface of
the medium and sporulation began from the old
part of the colony.Conidia and conidiophores
produced largely f rom 5 to 20 ℃, and optimum
temperature for spore fo rmation w as found to be
about 15 ℃and ceased over 20 ℃.Conidiopho re
length w as f requent ly 1429-3207 μm , mostly
12.5-24.5 μm wide.The ultimate conidiophore
branches inflated into a swollen conidiogenous
cell , the ampulla , that bearing simultaneous
conidia on edicles (Fig.3A).The ampulla was
clavate , spherical , subspherical , o r somehow
lobate.Conidia w ere solitary and attached to the
ampulla.They were hyaline or pale brown , but
in mass they seemed ashen-gray becoming darker
with age.Conidia were ovate , globose to
subglobose.They were smooth , often wi th a
slight ly protuberant hilum and usually unicellular
(Fig.3C).Conidial dimension fell in the range of
(6.5-13.75)μm ×(6.5-10.0)μm.Sclerotia
produced largely under higher temperature (over
20 ℃).They were black , o r w hite at first ,
becoming black with the age and w ere variable in
shape and size (Fig.3B). They were
planoconvex , hemispherical , rounded , roughly
circular in shape , with the surface smooth.Their
size w as(1.0-4.5)mm×(1.8-3.0)mm.
According to the characters of morphology ,
the isolates w ere identified as Botry tis cinerea
Pers. and its teleomorph is Botryot inia
fuckeliana Whetzel[ 2-3] .
2.3 Sequencing and analysis of rDNA-ITS regions
Nucleotide sequences of the ITS regions of
ribosomal(r)DNA (ITS1 and ITS2)and the
5.8S RNA gene w ere amplified with universal
primers , generateing approximately 600 bp PCR
fragment.Sequences were determined in both
directions , and the sequence alignment of
different isolates using Clustal-w show ed that
they were identical. The sequences were
submit ted to the GenBank database (accession
No.:EU128648 , EU128649 and EU128650).A
Blast search of the GenBank nucleotide database
show ed that the ITS1 , ITS2 and 5.8S rDNA of
isolates were 100% identical to B.f uckeliana
Whetzel ( accession No.: Z73765 and
AJ716294)[ 4-5] , further confirming that the
pathogen w as B.cinerea.
240 第 35卷
孙虎 ,等:枇杷花疫病病原菌鉴定(英文)
A.A conidiophore.B.S clerot ia formation on the surface of PDA.C.Conidia.
Fig.3 Morphological and cultural characters of Botrytis cinerea
2.4 Pathogenicity test
Inoculation tests we re conducted w ith six
isolates.The results of pathogenici ty tests
show ed that all six iso lates were able to infect
loquat blossom af ter inoculation 3-4 day s ,
caused the similar symptoms identical to that
in f ields , and no disease w as found in the
control f low er spikes o f loquat.By 7 d ,
sporulation w as observed on al l inoculated
flower spikes.The fungus w as re-iso lated
f rom the infected parts and its colonies and
mo rpholog y w as consistent w ith previous
isolates.The results of pathogenici ty tests
show ed that the fungus w as re-i solated f rom
the infected parts and its co lonies and
mo rpholog y w as consistent w ith previous
isolates.The results of pathogenici ty tests
confi rmed that the pathogens w as B.cinerea.
3 Discussion
Botry tis cinerea Pers.is a ubiquitous fungal
pathogen that causes g ray rot on a large number
of economically important agricultural and
horticultural crops.It opportunistically infects
w ounds or senescing tissue and also invades
young tissues , causing necrosis[ 6] . The B.
cinerea fungus is present in loquat o rchards as
part of the envi ronmental microflora and infection
of loquat often occurs at bloom time
[ 7] .Early
f lower spikes may be the first to become infected
because they come into bloom first.Once the
fungus becomes established on early flow er
spikes , the infected tissue can serve as a source of
spo res to infect later flower spikes.During the
f lorescence of loquat , local temperature condition
241 第 3期
is usually suitable for spore fo rmation of pathogen
and wet weather promote spore production and
germination.In January 2007 , continuous rainfall
was more than 40% that of normal years , leading
to severe occurrence of the blossom blight of
This is the first repo rt of B.cinerea causing
the blossom blight on the loquat in Zhejiang
Province , China.This disease w as reco rd in
Japan as w ell[ 7] .In China , although the rot ten
disease of loquat flowers w as reported in
Chongqing City (south-west China), i t w as
caused by Pestalot ia eriobof olia and sporodochia ,
being different from our report[ 8] .
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