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全 文 :       天然产物研究与开发       
  Received July 12 , 2004;Accepted November 18 , 2004
 *Corresponding author E-mail:newfourtharmy@163.com
Distinguishes of Marchantia polymorpha ,Marchantia convoluta
and Marchantia paleacea by UASLG
ZOU Deng-feng1 ,ZHU Hua1 ,XIAO Jian-bo2* ,CAO Hui2 ,ZHOU Chun-shan2
(1.Guangxi Chinese Medical University , Nanning 530001 , China;
2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Central South University , Changsha 410083 , China)
Abstract:The discrimination of Marchantia polymorpha , Marchantia convoluta and Marchantia paleacea was succeeded by Ul-
traviolet Absorption Spectra Lines Group(UASLG).The UV spectra of the solutions extracted by four different kinds of solvents
(water , chloroform , ethanol and petroleum ).The UV spectra of the three herbals gave different maximum absorption peaks
both in number and intensities.The method was simple and accurate and can be used to distinguish one from others.
Key words:Marchantia polymorpha;Marchantia convoluta;Marchantia paleacea;UASLG;identification
地钱 、拳卷地钱和粗裂地钱的紫外谱线组法鉴别
邹登峰1 ,朱 华1 ,肖建波2* ,曹 慧2 ,周春山2
(1.广西中医学院 , 南宁 530001;2.中南大学化学化工学院 ,长沙 410083)
摘 要:本文建立了紫外谱线组法鉴别地钱 、拳卷地钱和粗裂地钱的方法。 通过这三种药材的石油醚 、氯仿 、乙
醇和水提取液的紫外谱线比较 ,发现地钱 、拳卷地钱和粗裂地钱的紫外谱线图 、最大吸收峰数目及峰位值具有
明显差异。该法简单 、准确 , 可用来鉴别地钱 、拳卷地钱和粗裂地钱的原药材。
Marchantia polymorpha is a Traditional Chinese Medicine
herb.There are a large number of Marchantineae plants
in Guangxi such as Marchantia polymorpha , Marchantia
convoluta and Marchantia paleacea.These species live in
together.It is difficult to distinguish one from others.Ul-
traviolet Absorption Spectra Lines Group (UASLG)is a
efficient method for identification of medicine herb.It is
simple and accurate to use UASLG to identify Chinese
Traditional Medicine herbs[ 1-3] .
Instrumentation and reagent
A UV-756 spectrophotometer from Shanghai China Ana-
lytical Instrument General Factory was used to record the
ultraviolet spectra.Chloroform 、ethanol and petroleum
(bp.60 ~ 90 ℃)were of analytical-reagent grade.
The water used was distilled for one time.
The material of Marchantia polymorpha , Marchantia con-
voluta and Marchantia paleacea were afforded by Guangxi
Chinese Medical University and were identified by Profes-
sor Zhou Zi-jing in Guangxi Chinese Medical University.
Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra Lines Group was used.
Dried power(2.00 g , four segment )of M.polymorpha ,
M.convoluta and M.paleacea were extracted with wa-
ter , ethanol , chloroform and petroleum for two hours at
room temperature.Every solution is 20 mL.These solu-
tion were filtrated , then were put in quart utensil and
scanned in spectrophotometer using corresponding solvents
as blank solution.If the absorbency is too high , the solu-
tions need to be diluted.Scanning wavelength is from 190
nm to 400 nm.The rate of scanning is 200 nm/min.Ab-
sorbency is between 0 to 3.000.
The maximum absorption peaks′number and intensities of
these three plants , as shown in table 1.
The results indicated that the UV spectra of M.polymor-
pha , M.convoluta and M.paleacea gave different maxi-
mum absorption peaks.This method can be used to dis-
tinguish one from others.
The scanning curve of these three plants , as shown in fig-
DOI :10.16333/j.1001-6880.2005.04.021
ure 1.
Table 1 Comparation of UV maximum absorption peaks of USLG
of all
CHCl3 20 212.3 251.6 218.2 221.3
EtOH 100 253.4 270.1 228.9 270sh
H2O 100 279sh 336sh 249.1 -
Pet  5 - - 271sh -
214.4 249.8 232.1 214.2
- 251.9 271.9 270sh 229.1
270sh 326.3 332sh 235.4
- - - 242.2
M.paleacea - 213.3 246.5 227.3 232.4
225sh 276.6 275sh 321sh
Fig.1 Ultraviolet absorption spectra of extracts from Marchantia L.
A.Marchantia polymorpha B.Marchantia convolut a C.Marchantia paleacea
M.polymorpha ,M.convoluta and M.paleacea belong to
family Liverworts and genus Marchantia L.It s difficult
to identify them by traditional methods.But this problem
can be solved through Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra Lines
Group (UASLG).The UV spectra of these plants gave
different maximum absorption peaks in different solvents
both in number and intensities.
Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra Lines Group(UASLG)us-
ing several solvents not only can distinguish the Chinese
traditional medicine from their counterfeits , but also can
be used to identify herbal drugs with the same genus.
The UV spectra of the three plants gave different maxi-
mum absorption peaks both in number and intensities.
From UV spectra of the three herbal drugs , we can con-
clude that the chemical constituents of the three herbal
drugs had many different , too.M.convolute is a main
specie of Marshantia plant in Guangxi.There are few re-
ports about constituents of M.convoluta living in China ,
to our knowledge , been performed.We will continue to
report the chemical constituents of the three herbal drugs.
1  Yuan JR.Identification of UASLG for Achyranthes bidentata ,
Sanguisorbs officinalis and their confused material.Shizhen J
Tradit Chinese Med Res , 1997 , 8:425-426
2  Fan XR.Distinguishing Magnolia officinalis from its imitation
Ilex rotunda by UV spectrophotometry.Chinese Tradit Herbal
Drugs , 2001 , 32:743-744
3  Lu YW.Study on difference of chemical constituents among
several Chinese medicine and different prescriptions by a group
of UV spectra.Spectroscopy Spectral Anal , 2003 , 23:759-762
464 天然产物研究与开发                 2005 Vol.17 No.4