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全 文 :山慈姑的功用
文 林 亓 晶
(丽江地区人民医院 , 云南 丽江 674100)
  山慈姑又名毛慈姑 , 茅慈
姑 , 冰球子 , 泥冰子 。异名金
灯 , 鹿蹄草 , 山茨姑 , 毛姑 , 处
姑 , 白地栗。为兰科植物杜鹃
兰 、 独蒜兰等的假球茎 , 多年生
草本植物 , 生长在山沟阴湿处 ,
每年 5 ~ 6 月挖取假球茎 , 除去
茎叶 、须根 , 洗净晒干入药。
中医认为 , 山慈姑甘 、 微
辛 、 寒 , 有小毒 , 入肝脾经 , 有
消肿散结 、化痰清热解毒之功 ,
适用于痈疽疔肿 、瘰疠结核 、 喉
痹肿痛 、 蛇虫狂犬伤。 《滇南本
草》 言 “消阴分之痰 , 止咳嗽 ,
治喉痹 , 止咽喉痈 , 治毒疮 , 攻
痈疽 , 敷诸疮肿毒 , 有脓者溃 ,
无脓者消 。”
有杜鹃兰根茎粘液及葡配甘露 、
聚糖 , 甘露糖:葡萄糖为 2∶1。
1 、用于肝硬化 、 黄疸:本
有一定疗效 , 尤其是对降低γ-
球蛋白 , 升高白蛋白更为显著 。
2 、降压作用:本品含有杜
鹃素Ⅰ 、杜鹃素 Ⅱ , 有一定的降
压作用 , 可用于治疗高血压病 。
3 、治疗热毒痈肿疮痒:本
品具有清热利湿 、 化痰消肿之
功 。可用于湿热壅滞所致的痈
肿 、疮痒痈疽疔肿 、 脓性指头炎
(山慈姑 25g 洗净后 , 捣烂加醋
30ml , 调匀外敷)。
4 、治疗呼吸道疾患:本品
化痰解毒 、 抗炎 , 可用于湿热过
盛而致咽喉肿痛 、 急性扁桃体
炎 、 喉痹咳嗽 、口腔炎 。
5 、治疗结核:《本草再新》
言:“治疗瘰疠结核” 、 “久病劳
瘵” , 故可治疗肺结核 、 结核性
6 、 治疗乳腺癌 、 食道癌 、
宫颈癌:因其具有解毒散结 、清
热消肿之功 , 临床上也多用于抗
用法用量:煎汤剂 , 山慈姑
为 3 ~ 10g , 外用剂量加倍。山
慈姑同名异物者甚多 , 本文仅以
之品 。
(收稿日期:2003年 1月 20日)
(湖北药检高等专科学校 , 湖北 武汉 430064)
摘 要 对黄连的药典品种:黄连 Coptis chinensis Franch.、 三角叶黄连 C.deltoidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao 和
云连 C.teeta Wall., 以及地方品种短萼黄连 C.chinensis Fr.Var.brevisepala W.T.Wang et Hsiao 进行了组织学
鉴别 、 显微摄影和特征比较等方面的研究。
关键词 黄连 品种 组织鉴别 显微摄影
Coptis chinensis Franch.(味连)、
三角叶黄连 C.deltoidea C.Y.
Cheng et Hsiao (雅连)和云连
C.teeta Wall.(云连), 药用其
根茎〔1〕 。我省利川 、 恩施 、 巴
东 、房县 、 竹山 、竹溪等县市为
味连的主产地 , 当地称之鸡爪连
或北岸连〔2〕 。我省通城 、 通山等
县市还有短萼黄连 Coptis chinen-
sis Fr.var.brevisepala W.T.
Wang et Hsiao分布 , 该品种为黄
连的近源种 , 因其功效与黄连相
似 , 故当地亦将其根茎作黄连药
用〔3〕 。笔者对以上 4个品种的黄
连进行了组织学观察与鉴别 , 特
品种的比较研究 , 并附显微摄影
343中国民族民间医药杂志 2003年总第 65期
Progress on Studies of Anti-virus Effect of
Natural Drugs
CHEN Zhi-zhong
(School of Pharmacy , Fudan University)
ABSTRACT:The virus and its pathogenic mechanism ,
the progress on studies of the anti-influenza virus effect of
traditional Chinese medicine and the anti-HIV virus action
of active principles of natural drugs are reviewed.The stud-
ies of traditional Chinese medicine will open up board
prospects for carrying out the research on anti-SARS virus.
(Original article on page 311)
Consideration of Exploiting Regional Ethnic
Folk Medicine Deeply
GAO Hong-li
(Medical College of Hubei National College)
ABSTRACT:The present condition , the necessity and
the main way of development of regional ethnic folk
medicine are disserted in this paper , the author think that
the consciousness of going deep into basic level , unite re-
search , result conversion and multiple utilization should
be possessed
(Original article on page 324)
Study on Histological Identification of Coptis
Chinensis Franch and Coptis Chinensis Fr.
var.brevisepala W.T.Wang et Hsiao
(Hubei College of Pharmacy and
Clinical Laboratory Technology)
ABSTRACT:This paper has performed the study on histo-
logical identification and microscopical photographs of Rhi-
zoma Coptidis , including Coptis chinensis Franch;C.del-
toidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao;C.teeta Wall.And C.
chinensis Fr.Var.brevisepala W.T.Wang et Hsiao.
The results show that there are different characteristics of 4
kinds of Rhizoma Coptidis in their section structures.
(Original article on page 343)
Experimental Study of Balanophora Japonica
Mokino on Resisting Alcohol Toxicity
RONGJu-quan , et al
(QiannanMedical College of Nationality)
ABSTRACT:Objective:To explore the action of resist-
ing alcohol toxicity of Balanophora Japonica Mokino.
Method:Toxicological and biochemical methods are used
to observe the safety of Balanophora Japonica Mokino , the
dead rate in mice , the change of alcohol , the pathological
change of liver tissue which injured by alcohol.Result:
The maximal tolerance dose of Balanophora Japonica
Mokino in mice is 37.5g/ (Kg.d).It is rather safe
and can decrease the dead rate for alcoholic toxicity.
Compared with control group , the alcohol concentration
in blood of Balanophora Japonica Mokino group is re-
markable lower (P<0.05).Compared with the Gegeng
group , There is no remarkable difference.Pathological
change show that Balanophora Japonica Mokino can de-
crease liver cell degeneration and alcoholic acute liver in-
jury.Conclusion:Balanophora Japonica Mokino can re-
sist alcohol toxicity
(Original article on page 347)
Study on the Constituents of the Oil of Planta-
go Ovata Forsk
MINGDe , et al
(Xinjiang Institute for Drug Control)
ABSTRACT:Eighteen constituents of oil of Plantago O-
vata Forsk were identified by means of gas chromatogra-
phy-mass spectrometry combined with computer search-
(Original article on page 349)
Physiochemical Analysis on Ha Medicine Spi-
vac-ahrpricifolia L.
ZHOU Xiao-ying
(Department of chemistry , Xinjiang Medical University)
ABSTRACT:Objective:To determined the content of
flavonoids in Spivac-ahrpricifolia L.A Ugurs medicine.
Method:With the law of chemical analysis and the UV is
inspected , the content of flavonoids in Spivac-ahrprici-
folia L.is determined by pectrophotometry at 505nm ,
with Rutin as standard , and 85% ethanol as the extrac-
tor.Results:The content of flavonoids is 5.42mg/g ,
the average recovery rate is 99.8%, and RSD =2.
78%(n=6).Conclusion:The method is simple and
convenient , with exact result and good repetition , it can
be used to control the quality of Spivac-ahrpricifolia L.
(Original article on page 353)
369中国民族民间医药杂志 2003年总第 65期