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全 文 :龙珠果药学研究概况
张月 1,张小伟 2,司珂瑜 2,胡家华 2,宇磊 2,陈
洪卫 3,李洪珠 3,巩江 4*,倪士峰 1,3* (1.西北
大学文学院,陕西西安 710127;2.西北大学物
理学院,陕西西安 710069;3.西北大学生命科
学学院,陕西西安 710069;4.西藏民族学院医
学院,陕西咸阳 712082)
摘 要 在广泛文献检索基础上,对龙珠果的
关键词 龙珠果;成分;药理;临床应用;代表
基金项目 西部资源生物与现代生物技术教
育部重点实验室基金 (KH09030);西藏自治区
作者简介 张月(1992-),女,安徽合肥人,本
科,专业:汉语言文学。 * 共同通讯作者,倪士
导师, 从事中药化学与资源学研究 ,E-mail:
师, 硕士, 从事民族药化学与资源学研究,E-
收稿日期 2014-05-28
修回日期 2014-07-04
Overview of Pharmaceutical Research on
Passiflora foetida L.
Yue ZHANG1, Xiaowei ZHANG2, Keyu SI2, Jiahua HU2, Lei YU2, Hongwei CHEN3, Hongzhu LI3,
Jiang GONG4*, Shifeng NI3*
1. Faculty of Liberal Arts, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China;
2. Physics Department, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China;
3. College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China;
4. Department of Medicine, Tibet Nationality College, Xianyang 712082, China
Supported by the Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western
China of Ministry of Education (KH09030); the Special Fund for the Science and
Technology of Science and Technology Department of Tibet Autonomous Region
(20091012); the Scientific Research Program Funded by Shaanxi Provincial Education
Department (2010JK862).
*Correspondingauthor.E-mail: nsfstone@126.com; flysnow002001@yahoo.com.cn
Received: May 28, 2014 Accepted: July 4, 2014A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2014, 15(7): 1113-1116
Copyright訫 2014, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticultrue
I ntroduction to Passiflo-ra foetida L.Passiflora foetida L., also
known as wild maracuja, bush passion
fruit, marya-marya, wild water melon,
stinking passionflower, love-in-a-mist
or running pop, is a species of passion
flower that is native to West Indies.
Now, it has been cultivated in Yunnan,
Guangdong, and Taiwan of China.
With large and sweet fruits, the tropical
fruit is a new type fruit both for
medicine and vegetable[1-2].
Collection and process
The whole plant of P. foetida is
usually collected in summer and au-
tumn, and after removing impurities,
the plant is cut into sections for dry;
the fruits are collected during the fruit-
ing period, and dried for later use[3].
Nectar source value
During the flowering period from
July to August, P. foetida have plenty
of flowers which have inside and out-
side nectary full of nectars, which can
attract bees to collect and breed.
Thus, it is a good nectariferous plant in
the tropics[4].
ZHU et al. [5] have found that the
leaves and resin of P. foetida contain
flavonoids, inclduing vitexin, isovitexin,
saponarin, orientin, isoorientin, api-
genin-8-C-diosgenin-diglucoside, pac-
hypodol, 4, 7-O-dimethylnaringenin, 3,
5-dihydroxy, 4, 7-dimethoxyflavanone,
ermanin-3, 4-di-O-methylkaempfero,
7, 4-3-O-methylapigenin, 7, 4-O-meth-
ylquercetin, 3, 7, 4-tri-O-methylkaem-
pierol, luteolin methylamino, luteolin 7-
β-D-glucoside; while the seed oil is rich
in linolenic acid and linoleic acid.
Echeverri et al. [6] isolated 3 poly-
ketides alpha-pyrones, named passi-
floricins, from P. foetida resin, and an-
alyzed theris structures and relative
configurations through 2D NMR spec-
The oil containing rate of P. foeti-
da reaches up to 16.6% , and it has
both edible and industrial value[7].
Beauty and health care
P. foetida has relative high con-
tents of natural red pigment, plant al-
Abstract Based on extensive literature search, the composition, pharmacology, clini-
cal applications of Passiflora foetida L, ecological characteristics were summarized
with the aim to provide scientific data for further research and exploitation.
Key words Passiflora foetida L.; Composition; Pharmacology; Clinical applications;
Reprehensive dietary; Ecological characteristics
Agricultural Science & Technology 2014
bumin, anthocyanin, VC and water-
soluble dietary fiber, which is benefit
for hematopoiesis, detoxification,
blood purifier and body slimming,
good for balancing and inhibiting
blood pressure. It is also helpful to lu-
bricate the intestines, promote gas-
trointestinal motility, resist oxidation,
remove heavy metal, fight free radicals
and defy age[8].
ZENG et al. [9] determined the an-
tibacterial effects of 8 kinds of Chinese
herbal medicine by using disc diffusion
method and tube doubling dilution
method with Escherichia coli K88,
common Escherichia coli, Staphylo-
coccus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis
and Staphylococcus aureus as the test
strains and Coptis chinensis as the
control, finding that P. foetida can in-
hibit Escherichia coli, Salmonella en-
teritidis and Staphylococcus aureus.
Although the results proved that P.
foetida had antibacterial effect, but its
antibacterial value still needs to be de-
termined after testing the consistence
between in vitro and in vivo antibacteri-
al test.
Inhibition of enzyme activity
CHEN et al.[10] obtained the water-
soluble extraction from P. foetida by
filtrating, extracting and concentrating
to study the inhibitory effect on mush-
room tyrosinase. The results showed
that the P. foetida extract had strong
inhibitory effect on mushroom tyrosi-
nase, and the mechanism of this ex-
traction effect was reversible and the
inhibition type was mixed type inhibi-
tion. Puricelli et al.[11] found that fruit’s
decoctions of P. foetida could at dif-
ferent concentrations inhibit the activi-
ty of gelatinase MMP-2 and MMP-9,
both of which involved with the inva-
sion, metastasis and angiogenesis of
Protection of reproductive system
Michel et al. [12] studied the con-
tents of serum estradiol, pituitary go-
nadotropin and prolactin in female
adult (120-140 g) and immature ova-
riectomized rats (30-40 g). The results
showed that the aqueous extract in-
creased significantly both the ovary
and uterus weight whereas the hexane
extract increased the weight of the o-
vary only and the methanol extract in-
creased the weight of uterus only. The
3 extracts significantly increased the
17β-estradiol levels in the serum of the
immature ovariectomized rats. In addi-
tion, the aqueous extract increased
significantly serum estradiol and pitu-
itary gonadotropins and prolactin in
adult non ovariectomized rats.
Analgesia and anti-inflammatory
Sasikala et al. [13] found that the
dose 200 mg/kg of P. foetida leaf
ethanol extract exhibited highest sig-
nificant analgesic activity to the acid-
induced writhing and hot plate method
in albino mouse, and the ethanol ex-
tract of leaf dose 100 mg/kg produced
a highly significant anti-inflammatory
effect on the carrageenan induced a-
cute paw edema and histanmine in-
duced acute paw edema in rats, indi-
cating that P. foetida had good anal-
gesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Anti-ulcer and anti-oxidation
Sathish et al. [14] evaluated the ef-
fects of ethanolic extract of P. foetida
whole plant on gastric ulcer, finding
that EEPF at 100 and 200 mg/kg dos-
es had certain antiulcer and anti-oxi-
dation effects on ehanol and aspirin-
induced gastric ulcer models.
Clinical Applications
The whole plant is bitter in taste
and cold-natured, which can be used
for detoxication and promoting urina-
tion. The fruit is sour in taste and cool-
natured, mainly used to treat lung
channel, and the fruit is effective in re-
moving heat to cool blood, resolving
toxin and dispersing swelling, moist-
ening dryness and resolving phlegm,
mainly used to treat the symptoms of
lymphnoditis, traumatic ocular kerati-
tis, lymphatic tuberculosis, sore and
furuncle, burn due to hot liquid or fire,
infantile malnutrition[15]. QU et al.[16] con-
cluded that P. foetida could could pro-
mote the circulation of qi and genera-
tion of milk to treat the symptoms of
lack of milk production; could dispel
wind and eliminate dampness to treat
the symptoms like rheumatism and
paralysis; could promote the circula-
tion of qi and invigorate the circulation
of blood to treat the symptoms like
traumatic swelling; could moisten lung
for removing phlegm and relieving
cough to treat the symptoms of defi-
ciency syndrome of the lung and
cough, strains and impairments.
Human drugs
Respiratory system First, it can be
used to cure the acute upper respirato-
ry infection. SONG et al. [17] invented a
Chinese medicine enema to treat
acute upper respiratory infection. The
traditional Chinese medicines of
Wrightia pubescens leaves, pubescent
holly root , ephedra , Schizonepeta ,
P. foetida, Chrysanthemum, Chinese
thorowax root, subprostrate sophora,
Fritillaria taipaiensis, nandina, Platy-
codon grandiflorum, orange peel and
Mangnolia officinalis, which had the
effects of dispelling wind and relieving
exterior syndrome, freeing lung and
relieving asthma, clearing away heat
and toxic materials, regulating qi-flow-
ing for strengthening spleen, were se-
lected as the medicinal materials to
make the enema. The clinical experi-
ments showed that 95.4% of the ex-
periments showed good results and
had low cost, and it was convenient to
administrate drugs, which had no side-
effect. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be
widely applied to clinical uses. Second,
to treat cough with lung heat. P. foeti-
da, Daniangsan each of 15 g are first
decocted with water, and then
washed by the honey or the fruits or
plants of P. foetida of 3-4 maces for
decoction. It also could be replaced
by 15 g each of P. foetida and Ardisia
japonica, which are decocted in water
for oral dose taken after mixing with
honey, or decoct P. foetida, folium
eriobotryae, Momordica grosvenori
each of 10 g taken with water [18].
Third, to moisten dryness and resolve
phlegm, help produce saliva and
slake thirst through taking P. foetida
fruits of 15 g with honey after being
decocted with water[19-20].
Urinary system First, it can be used
to treat acute nephritis, edema and
oliguria as follows: hot medicine in-
cluding P. foetida, couch grass root,
plantain herb each of 15 g to be taken
after being decocted with water; cool
medicine including fresh pine leaves
and garlic bulb each of 60 g to be tak-
en after being decocted with water [19].
Second, to treat turbid urine and blad-
der damp-heat by taking the whole
P. foetida plant of 4 -5 maces after
being decocted in water, or by taking
20 g of P. foetida with water after being
decocted[18, 20]. Third, it can be used to
Agricultural Science & Technology2014
treat dry stool by taking P. foetida to-
gether with rhizome phragmitis and
radices trichosanthis[16].
Reproductive system It can be
used to treat gonorrhea and leucor-
rhea by taking P. foetida, ginkgo and
rhizome smilacis glabtae each of 15 g
after being decocted[19].
Circulatory system First, to treat
lymphadenitis: P. foetida, raspberry
root, Jiaoding root each of 12 g to be
taken after being decocted in water for
oral dose. Second, to treat traumatic
cornea or conjunctivitis: proper
amounts of P. foetida leaves to be
used for external application to the
pulses of both hands after being
Motor system It can be used to treat
ulcerative carbuncle, swelling or to
clear away heat and toxic materials by
spreading proper amounts of fresh
P. foetida leaves after being mashed
and orally taking the decocted soup of
9-15 g. The fruits can be taken directly
after being washed, and the fresh
leaves can be soaked in water for
drinking after dried[21].
Others First, it can be used to cure
asthma and neurotic disorders. Kr-
ishnaveni [ 22 ] reported that the plant
P. foetida had been used mainly for
asthma and various neurological dis-
orders by the traditional medicinal
practitioners of Chittor District. Sec-
ond, to treat poor health, slim and sus-
ceptible to diseases. Fructus Lycii,
Schisandra chinensis, Chinese date
and P. foetida each of 200 g, Semen
cuscutae, Glossy privet fruit, Rubus
idaeus L., Semen celosiae, Se,am
cassoae, Momordica grosvenori, fruc-
tus alpiniae oxyphyllae each of 100 g
made into wine by adding white gran-
ulated sugar and rice wine. Taking 30
ml every day in the morning and
evening for long time can keep fit and
beauty [23]. Third, to treat sore throat,
productive cough and scrofula. Dried
beautiful millettia root of 2 liang, fresh
P. foetida of 2 liang, lean meat of half a
kilo. After being cleaned, P. foetida to-
gether with lean meat are added with 5
bowls of water, and it is taken after be-
ing decocted into 1 bowl with slow fire.
After taking several times, the illness-
es can be cured, adding with some fla-
vors[24]. Fourth, to cure phlegm node,
ulcerative carbuncle and pyogenic in-
fections. P. foetida of 3 maces, mice,
chestnut shell and Chinese fevervine
herb and root each of 5 qian to be de-
cocted in water with lean meat for oral
Veterinary drugs
(1) Andrographis paniculata, cara-
mbola, Atalantia buxifolia each of 250
g, mint leaf, Clausena excavate each
of 300 g, Glycosmis parviflora, loquat,
P. foetida, Aoki each of 200 g can be
use to cure the laryngotracheitis of
(2) Taking P. foetida together with
ophiopogon root and almond together
can be used to treat the cough with
lung heat of oxen and horses. The
dosage is as follows: pork and mutton
of 60 -90 g, beef and horsemeat of
120 -240 g for oral dose after being
decocted and proper amount used for
external application[16].
Representative Dietary (Pr-
P. foetida flower
The flower can be used for cook-
ing. After cutting into strips, the bud is
then added with mushroom, tender
ginger, proper garlic, salt and oil (no
aginomoto), and then after fried
cooked by rapid fire, it tastes sweet
and crisp. The flower is also can be
used as soup bases, scented tea or
added into salad. The stems can be
used as the ingredient of salad, or to
be used in dressing, stir-frying, stuffing
and boiling[27].
P. foetida stems, barks, roots and
First, after removing thorns, the
stems can be sliced up for fresh eating
or medical use, which have the effects
of stimulating the circulation of the
blood and causing the muscles and
joints to relax, as well as detoxifying;
and for external application, the stems
can be used to treat parotitis, sore and
swelling. Second, the barks can be
used to treat stomach illness. Third,
the roots after being decocted can be
used to treat diarrhea, gonorrhea, and
they are also effective to the rheuma-
tism and asthma after being boiled.
Forth, the branches are also veg-
etable, which can be cooked, fried,
stirred or stirred and mixed with the
spices like mustard to be eaten un-
cooked, or made into dehydrated
vegetables and salting, dried vegeta-
Existing P. foetida products
The existing products of P. foetida
include scented tea, fruit powder, jam,
dried fruit, ferment and jelly. In addi-
tion, P. foetida red wine is made from
P. foetida, which is a alkaline alcoholic
beverage with the characteristics of
red wine, and frequent drinking can
prevent angiosclerosis, Alzheimer’s
disease, hypertension, colds and en-
hance immunity[27].
Ecological Significance
According to the phenomena of
the competition and influence among
one another in higher plants, P. foetida
can be used for the alternative con-
trol to change the vegetation, protect
the environment, suppress weeds,
control the pests, pathogenic bacteria
and small animals, hosted in weeds,
guard the soil surface and increase
good pasture. But, it should be carried
out with target but not with arbitrary
Xu et al.[29] found that P. foetida is
the natural host of Passion fruit woodi-
ness potyvirus (PFWV) and cucumber
mosaic cucumovirus (CMV). And ac-
cording to the occurrence of PFWV in
Fujian Province, they found that 2
isolates of the viruses were identified
in the wild P. foetida plant collected
in southern Fujian , indicating that
wild P. foetida may become the host
of PFWV and CMV, which needs at-
tention of the plant protection depart-
Carvalho et al. [30] reported that af-
ter feeding test, it found that P. foetida
was a cyanogenic plant, which caused
poisoning after the ingestion of fresh
leaves, mainly during the dry period.
As an invasive alien species, P. fo-
etida has established stable breeding
populations in the 3 national reserve
areas of Hainan Province, which has
posed serious threats to the natural
ecological system and the rare endan-
gered species in the natural reserve[31].
Summary and Prospect
P. foetida is a plant can be used
both as medicine and food, and it also
can be used as an excellent energy
Agricultural Science & Technology 2014
Responsible editor: Na LI Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
plant containing rich grease. However,
as an invasive alien species, it may al-
so threaten the diversity of native
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