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Fast Assignment of DNA Sequences to Individual Chromosome Arms Based on Dosage Effects from a Set of Rice Telotrisomics

A complete set of telotrisomics, developed from rice (Oryza sativa L.ssp. indica) variety, “Zhongxian 3037", are great valuable genetic stocks for rice genetic studies. The authors have established a direct and simple mapping approach to assign various kinds of rice DNA sequences to definite chromosome arms according to their dosage effects. By use of the rice telotrisomics, three types of rice DNA clones reluctant to linkage analysis were assigned to specific chromosome arms, respectively. Among them, RG684, a clone showing sever distorted segregation, was assigned to chromosome arm 10L; two genomic respective copies of a multiple-copy clone, G1073, were assigned to 1L; and RCS1, a cereal centromeric repetitive clone, was assigned to 4L.

程祝宽1,2 颜辉煌 于恒秀2  钱前1,3  裔传灯2 顾铭洪2  朱立煌1*

(1. 中国科学院遗传研究所,北京100101;2.  扬州大学农学院农学系,扬州225009;3.  中国水稻研究所,杭州310006)

摘要:以水稻 (Oryzasativa L .ssp .indica)“中籼 30 37”成套端三体为材料 ,通过制备不同染色体两个端三体的等量DNA膜 ,并与待定位的分子标记或DNA序列杂交 ,成功地将严重偏分离的零等位标记RG6 84、多拷贝标记G10 73的不同片段 ,以及着丝点相关重复序列RCS1定位到相应的染色体臂上。说明在水稻中 ,不同染色体臂的端三体可以弥补连锁定位方法的一些不足。
关键词: 水稻;端三体;分子标记

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