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Contributions of Chinese Botanists to Plant Tissue Culture in the 20th Century

This paper looks back to the development of plant tissue culture in China in the last century. Since 1934, tissue culture studies in China has kept up with the international development in the fields. Progress has been made by Chinese in nea rly every branches of tissue culture, including in vitro organogenesis, shoot tip culture, anther culture, ovary culture, endosperm culture, protoplast culture as well as mass cell culture. On the basis of reviewing the articles written by Chinese on plant tissue culture, the internationally recognized contributions are specially mentioned. The applications of plant tissue culture to agriculture and industry in China are also introduced.


摘要: 回顾了上一世纪我国植物组织培养的发展。1934年以来,我国的植物组织培养研究一直与国际发展同步进行。我国学者在离体器官发生、茎尖培养、花药培养、子房培养、胚乳培养、原生质体培养和细胞大量培养等分支领域都取得重要进展。本文在引证我国研究者发表的植物组织培养论文的基础上,着重评述了那些被国际同行公认的研究成果。此外,还介绍了植物组织培养在我国农业和工业上应用的情况。
关键词: 植物组织培养;器官发生;茎尖培养;花药培养;子房培养;胚乳培养;原生质体培养;植物细胞大量培养

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