Identification, Cloning, and Potential Application of Genes Related to Somatic Embryogenesis in Plant Tissue Culture Contributions of Chinese Botanists to Plant Tissue Culture in the 20th Century FACTORS AFFECTING ORGANOGENESIS OF CITRUS MICROCARPA BUNGE SOME REGULATIONS OF SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND ORGANOGENESIS IN INDICA RICE Floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. (Potamogetonaceae) Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on Morphogenesis in the Ovule Culture of Citrus Morphogenesis in in vitro Culture of Terminal Floral Apex of Banana Cyto-Histological Observations on Organogenesis of Rubus laciniatus Culture In Vitro DIRECT ORGANOGENESIS OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS OF Sedum aizoon L. AND ANALYSIS OF GENETIC STABILITY IN REGENRATED PLANTLETS BY RAPD Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Axillary Bud Proliferation and Rooting of Acacia melanoxylon Elite Tree Cell Fate Switch during In Vitro Plant Organogenesis The sutdy of the bud organogenesisfrom floral receptacles andcuts of pedicel in Brassica caulorapa On the Systematic Significance of Floral Organogenesis in Saururaceae Floral organogenesis of Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Floral Organogenesis of Blyxa japonica (Hydrocharitaceae) Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Rosa chinensis‘Yueyuehong’ Effects of Cytokinins on Shoot Organogenesis from Cotyledon of Pepper In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Orychophragmus diffusus INFLUENCE OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS ON THE IN VITRO ORGANOGENESIS OF PSEUDOLARIX AMABILIS EMBRYO EXPLANTS Morphological and Histological Examination of Meristematic Nodules from#br# Adventitious Root of Pulsatilla koreana Characterization of Unisexual Flower Development in the Basal Angiosperm Hedyosmum orientale (Chloranthaceae) Floral Organogenesis and Development of Impatiens longicornuta(Balsaminaceae) Anatomy of Organogenesis from Garlic(Allium sativum L.)Rachis in vitro Culture Floral Organogenesis of Reineckia carnea (Convallariaceae) and Its Systematic Significance Studies on Adventitious Bud Proliferation of Chinese Fir Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara, An Important Medicinal Plant Floral organogenesis in Phytolacca (Phytolaccaceae) Pentamerous flowers in the genus Phytolacca have been derived from trimerous flowers—New evidence from the floral organogenesis of Phytolacca dodecandra Floral Organogenesis in Saururus chinensis (Saururaceae) Floral organogenesis of Handeliodendron bodinieri (Sapindaceae) and its systematic implications Floral Organogenesis of Caldesia parnassifolia (Bassi ex L.) Parl. (Alismataceae) Plant Regeneration of Rosa chinensis‘Vendela‘ for Scale-up Production via Direct Qrganogenesis Floral Organogenesis and Development of Torenia fournieri Floral Organogenesis and Development of Torenia fournieri Floral Organogenesis and Its Systematic Significance of the Genus Nandina(Berberidaceae) Organogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration in Vitro of Populus euphratica Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Root Organogenesis in Ipomoea batatas, Salix matsudana and Glycine max Organogenesis in Leaf Explants of Begonia coccinea Main Factors Influencing the Frequency of Direct Organogenesis of Cucumberin Vitro Morphological and Histological Examination of Meristematic Nodules from#br# Adventitious Root of Pulsatilla koreana Flora Organogenesis of Ranalisma rostratum(Alismataceae) PLANT REGENERATION FROM CALLUS OF in vitro APPLE LEAVES ORGANOGENESIS FROM IN VITRO CULTURE OF YOUNG COCONUT INFLORESCENCE STUDIES ON THE MORPHOGENETIC CAPACITY OF CALLUS AND ORGANOGENESIS IN ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. THE EFFECTS OF LIGHT SPECTRAL QUALITY ON ORGANOGENESIS OF FIVE DIFFERENT LIFE-FORM PLANTS IN VITRO Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Rosa chinensis‘Yueyuehong’ ORGANOGENESIS AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM THE CULTURE OF WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA L.) Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis from Mature Zygotic Embryos of Cunninghamia lanceolata High Efficient Regeneration in Vitro-from Hypocotyl of Euonymus fortunei var. radicans PLANT REGENERATION IN TISSUE CULTURE OF SETARIA YUNNANENSIS X S.ITALICA(4n) F_1 PLANTS Meristematic Nodule: a Valuable Developmental Pathway for Plant Regeneration Differentiation and Rooting of Slash Pine Adventitious Buds and the Histological Anatomy Floral Organogenesis and Development of Two Taxa in Tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae)?aPrzewalskia tangutica and Hyoscyamus niger Floral Organogenesis of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae) Organogenesis of Staminate Flowers in the Genus Schisandra and Its Systematic Significance Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Floral Organogenesis and Development of Lonicera maackii ( Rupr. ) Maxim Floral Organogenesis and Development of Clematis fruticosa Turcz.(Ranunculaceae) Direct Primary Somatic Embryogenesis and Shoot Formation from Immature Leaves of Manihot esculenta Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Medicago lupulina Enhancement of Plant Regeneration Rate of Brassica parachinensis Cultured in Vitro Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Floral Organogenesis and Development in Catalpa speciosa Floral Organogenesis and Development of Lonicera maackii ( Rupr. ) Maxim Studies on Adventitious Shoots Regeneration and Transformation System of Grape in Vitro Cytomorphology of organogenesis in filament Floral Organogenesis of Kmeria septentrionalis(Magnoliaceae) Floral Organogenesis of Triglochin maritimum Linn.(Juncaginaceae) Floral organogenesis of Delavaya toxocarpa (Sapindaceae; Sapindales) Floral organogenesis of three species of Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae) 福录考的组织培养研究——Ⅱ.叶外植体的愈伤组织及器官发生的细胞学观察 FLORALORGANOGENESISOFSAGITTARIA GUAYANENSISSSP.LAPPULA ——WITH ADDITIONALREFERENCETOITS RELATIONSHIPWITH THERELATIVEGENERA Floral Organogenesis of Asarum splendens(Maekawa)C.Y.Cheng et C.S.Yang Floral organogenesis and development of Litchi chinensis Developmental Morphology and Anatomy of Direct Shoot Organogenesis from Melon Cotyledon RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF PLANT PROTOCORM-LIKE BODY Studies on the Plant Regeneration from the Micro-Cross Sections ofBanana Study on Tissue and Protoplast Culture of Wild Cotton (Gossypium davidsonii) Original Paper Floral Organogenesis in Verbenaceae sensulato DIRECT PLANTLET REGENERATION VIA ORGANOGENESIS OF Paulownia PLANTS

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