Abstract:Histological events during adventitious shoot formation in cultured shoot apex of 10–12-day-old seedlings and adventitious root formation in the elongated shoot of Taiwania floudana Gaussen were examined. Ceils of the peripheral subsurface layers of the shoot apex responded to cytokinin and divided into meristematic cells from which the shoot primordia were proliferated. A few bud primordia also originated from the epidermis and hypodermis of the adaxial surface of the cotyledon. The parenchyma of leaf gap of the shoots cultured in rooting medium dedifferentiated to regain the capacity of division and form adventitious root. Besides, cells that had relatively low potential of differentiation, such as the cortex parenchyma, pith ray, phloem parenchyma and cambium zone, albeit initiated to divide, but seldom formed root primordium. The origin of the adventitious roots in the leaf gap facilitated the establishment of the vascular connection between the shoot and root.