Terminology of inflorescence diversity has often been used in a confusing way in the literature, partly because it was based on uncritical and outdated definitions. Especially the terms cyme, thyrse, and panicle have been misused. Although a more critical classification worked out by several authors is available, it is unfortunately not in general use because most of the relevant publications are written in German. In addition, some terms have not been used in the same way by morphologists and developmental geneticists. The present review attempts to remedy the situation with a simple outline of a classification based on (1) different branching patterns, (2) differential elongation of axes of different orders, and (3) repetition of basic ramification patterns in different ways. Racemose and cymose branching are two extreme patterns, the former with limitation of axial orders to two, the second with limitation of lateral axes of each order to two. In a branching system a sequence of racemose