GC-MS Analysis of the Volatile Oil from Inflorescence of Capillipedium assimile (Steud.) A. Camus Studies of Aroma Compounds in Chrysanthemum in Different Florescence and Inflorescence Parts and Aroma Releasing ORGANOGENESIS FROM IN VITRO CULTURE OF YOUNG COCONUT INFLORESCENCE Inflorescence Growth Phenology and Ecological Adaptation of Betula microphylla Production of transgenic millet plants via particle bombardment VARIATION OF QINGKE(Hordeum vulgare linn.var.nudum Hook.f)INDUCED BY SPACE FLIGHT TREATMENT STUDY ON COLCHICINE-INDUCED TETRAPLOID IN GARLIC(Allium sativum L.) Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration from Immature Inflorescence Explants of Chenopodium glaucum L. Reproductive Allocation of Biomass in Mikania micrantha Populations from Two Habitats Vegetative Proliferation and Secondary Proliferated Inflorescences Development in Grass Occurrence of the transition of apical architecture and expression patterns of related genes during conversion of apical meristem identity in G2 pea In Vitro Culture of the Inflorescence of Phalaenopsis In Vitro Culture of the Inflorescence of Phalaenopsis The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Distribution of salvianolic acids in aerial parts of Salvia miltiorrhiza during different growing periods and accumulation dynamic analysis Plant Regeneration from Barly (Hordeum vulgare) Immature Inflorescences Cryopeserved by Vitrification Callus Induction from Immature Inflorescence and Plant Regeneration of Buffalograss The Study of Relation between Differentiation Ability and Different Physiological States of Infloresence and Scutellum from Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Effects of transplant and first inflorescence removal on seed production of Erigeron breviscapus Chemical constituents from inflorescence bracts of Arctii Fructus Flower Organs Morphology and Structure of Phyllostachys edulis Chemical constituents in dried inflorescence of Aster souliei (Ⅱ) Chemical constituents in dried inflorescence of Aster souliei (Ⅱ) Supplementary Description of Inflorescences and Fruits for Dendrocalamus asper and D.barbatus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) Supplementary Description of Inflorescences of Three Species in Elatostema (Urticaceae) STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE GENERA AND PHYLOGENESIS OF THE TRIBE TRITICEAE DIRECT EVIDENCE ABOUT THE SPIKE OF WHEAT ORIGINATES FROM PANICLE Tracking character evolution and biogeographic history through time in Cornaceae - Does choice of methods matter? Anatomy Observation and Morphogenetic Causation of Non-lateral Branch Cucumber Line S61 Karyotype Diversity of 17 Chrysanthemum Cultivars with Small Inflorescences STUDIES ON CECIDOMYIA WENI JIANG A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE INFLORESCENCE TYPE ARISING FROM BAMBOOS AND ITS VARIATION Morphogenesis of inflorescence and floret in Alnus (Betulaceae) Direct Regeneration of Inflorescence from Callus in Dracaena fragrans cv. Massan geana Hort. Inflorescence Development of Chloris barbata (Chloridoideae, Poaceae) Variation of Inflorescence Traits in F1 Progeny of Chrysanthemum and the Association with SRAP Markers Disentangling confusions in inflorescence morphology: Patterns and diversity of reproductive shoot ramification in angiosperms Observation on anther development of Phyllostachys edulis Studies of systematic evolution and karyotypic variation in Smilax and Heterosmilax (Smilacaceae) Morphological Observation on Flower Bud Differentiation and Influences of Storage Conditions on the Quantity of Flower Buds of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Observation on the Process of Flower Bud Differentiation in Medicinal Plant Tussilago farfara L. Effect of the carrying test by high space balloon on flavonoids in the inflorescence of Celosia cristata Histological Study on Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Young Inflorescences of Setarta ilalica Construction and identification of cDNA library of Alpinia hainanensis(Zingiberaceae) Inflorescence Growth and Flowering Phenology of Pistachio Separtion and Identification of Flavonoid Glucosides from Elsholtzia blanda(Benth.) Benth. Relationship Between Habitats and Resource Allocation of Inflorescence Structure in Ligularia virgaurea Chilling and Heat Requirements of Main Cultivars of Ping‘ou Hybrid Hazelnuts (Corylus heterophylla×Corylus avellana) The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Flowering Phenology and Floral Distribution of Castanopsis fargesii in Tiantong, Zhejiang Province Factors Influencing Seed Production in Ligularia virgaureaⅠ. Habitat and Architecture of Inflorescence 普通小麦×栽培大麦杂种体细胞无性繁殖系建立 STUDY ON THE HISTOGENESIS OF THE FLOWER AND INFLORESCENCE OF TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. STUDIES ON THE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF A CHINA RARE PLANT-ACER MIAOTAIENSE1. MORPHOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER Development of Phyllostachys edulis Inflorescences STUDIES ON THE INJURIOUS CHARACTERISTICS AND ITS DENSITY ESTIMATE OF THE LARVAE OF DIORYCTEIA YIAI Germplasm Resources of Genus Poa L.in Beijing Area PLANT REGENERATION IN TISSUE CULTURE OF SETARIA YUNNANENSIS X S.ITALICA(4n) F_1 PLANTS Chemical constituents of Coreopsis tinctoria Intra-inflorescence sex expression and allocation in Camptotheca acuminata ELECTRONIC SCANNING OBSERVATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY OF INFLORESCENCE IN FOXTAIL MILLET HIGH FREQUENCY INDUCTION OF SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN YOUNG INFLORESCENCES CULTURE OF MAIZE Application of Somaclonal Variation in Wheat Breeding EFFECT OF H0RMONES ON THE REGENERATI0N 0F BULBLETS FR0M THE INFLORESCENCE EXPLANTS OF HYACINTH Relationships Between Some Protective Enzymes Activities, MDA Content and Male Inflorescence of Male Sterile Chestnut Cloning and Characterization of PeMYBL1, an R2R3 MYB Gene from Poplar Phenotypic Observation and Analysis of Inflorescence Variation of Autotetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia Heterosis and Mixed Genetic Analysis of Inflorescence Traits of Anemone- typed Chrysanthemum Heterosis and Mixed Genetic Analysis of Inflorescence Traits of Anemone- typed Chrysanthemum 梨子花发育对果实品质的影响 梨子花发育对果实品质的影响 Stigma Receptivity and Characteristics of Pollen Tube Growth of Corylus kweichowensis cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Differentially Expressed Transcripts in Early and Middle Development Stages of Male Inflorescence in White Birch(Betula platyphylla Suk.) Callus induction and regeneration system establishment of Ajugae nipponensis

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