Abstract:This paper deals with the electron microscopic observations of anther tissues and microsporogenesis of Tai Gu male sterile wheat plant, which is a new species initially discovered in Tai Gu nE Shansi province, China. The results are summarized as follows: 1. There was a tendency of early development of tapetum cells in Tai Gu sterile wheat plant, i.e. the tapetum cells seemed to have developed rapidly toward maturation between the period of pollen mother cell formation and prophase I of reduction division, which is followed by degeneration. Its ultrustructure is somewhat similar to the highly developed tapetum cells of fertile plant at the time of development from tetrad to early microspore stage. A significant character of the nltrastructure of the highly developed mature tapetum cells was the appearance of many sharply-defined endoplasmic reticulum, which demonstrated in a parallelly arranged structure in section. Phagocytic vacuoles were often surrounded by the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. At the prophase I of reduction division, the ultrastructure of pollen mother cells in sterile plant began to show some disparities from that of fertile pIant. Among which there were some concentric circle-shaped or bundle-shaped endoplasmic reticula and many ribosome aggregation in the pollen mother ceils of sterile plant. Perhaps, these features might be relevant to the break down of microtrabecular system. In addition, some large or small dark osmiophilic particles were visible in the cells. From all the feature observed, the fact that activities of endoplasmic reticulum in the anther of Tai Gu wheat is relation to protein synthesis warrants our attention.