The interaction of NCS with phytohormones THE EFFECTS OF ELERATED CO_2 ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLAST OF THREE GRAMINOID PLANTS IDENTFICATION OF SLOW-RUSTING RESISTANCE IN XIAOYAN No. 6AND ULTRA-OBSERVATION ON HYPHAE IN THE HOST STUDIES OF TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY ON ANNUAL STEMSIN LARIX PRINCIPIS-RUPPRECHTII MAYR A Study on Pollen Morphology and Ultrastructure of Subfamily Castaneoideae (Fagaceae) in China Pollen Morphology of Cyclobalanopsis and Its Relation to Quercus Studies On the Pollen Morphology of the Genus Iris in China Pollen Morphology of Quercus L. in China Pollen Morphology of Convallarieae (Liliaceae) and Systematic Position of Theropogon Maxim. Studies on the Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Photosynthetic Apparatuses in Azolla Studies on Pollen Morphology in Tiliaceae of China Seasonal Changes in the Ultrastructure of the Vascular Cambium in Shoots of Populus tomentosa Ultrastructural Study of Mesophyll Cells During Their Dediff erentiation in Stevia rebaudiana Observations on the Ultrastructure of the Developing Aleurone and Sub-Aleurone Cells in Coix lacryma-jobi Correlation Between Ultrastructural Changes of Mesophyll Cell and Lipid Peroxidation Damage in Maize Leaves During Water Stress Ultrastructural Study on Cell Dedifferentiation in Safflower Tissue Culture Ultrastructure of the Secretory Cavity Development in the Fruit of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Ultrastructural Aspects of the Female Germ Unit in Pelargonium hortorum Effects of Doubled-CO2 Concentration on Ultrastructure, Supramolecular Architecture and Spectral Characteristics of Chloroplasts from Wheat Ultrastructure of the Multicellular Nodules in Hyperic um perforatum Leaves Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Two Species of Freshwater Green Algae Cytological Studies on the Development of Sieve Element and Floral Nectary Tissue in Arabidopsis thaliana The Ultrastructural Aspect of Tapetum and Ubisch Bodies in Anemarrhena asphodeloides Correlation Between Lipid Preoxidation Damage and Ultrastructural Changes of Mesophyll Cells in Barley and Wheat Seedlings During Salt Stress An Ultrastructural Evalution of Cytohistological Zonation in the Shoot Apical Meristem of Torreya grandis An Ultrastructural Study on Pollen Protoplasts and Pollen Tubes Germinated From Them in Gladiolus gandavensis Ultrastructure of Sunflower Embryo Sac in Respect to the Concept of Female Germ Unit Effects of light quality on the growth and chloroplast ultrastructure of tomato and lettuce seedlings. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on leaf anthraquinones content and cell ultr astructure of Aloe vera L . Comparison of Leaf Structures in the Green and Yellow Parts of Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureo marginatum’ Ultrastructure of Mesophyllic Cells and Chloroplasts of Spirodela polyrrhiza under Different Light Intensities and Temperatures Allelopathy Effects of Oenanthe javanica Extracts on Scenedesmus obliquus Toxic Effects of Cr6+ on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters,Antioxidant Systems and Ultrastructure of Potamogeton crispus Effect of Salt Stress on the Ultrastructure of Cells Membrane System in Maize Advances in the Cytobiology of Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Ultrastructural Changes Of Infected Cell Nuclei during Cell Apoptosis in Onobrychis viciaefolia Root Nodules Chlorophyll Contents and Chloroplast Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Leaves in Yellow-Green Mutant of Chrysanthemum Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Salvinia natans Leaves under Cr6+ Stress Ultrastructure of Calli Cells of Poplar Exposed to Toxin Produced by Dothiorella gregaria Studies on the Main Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes Activities and Nodule Cell Ultrastructure in the Nodule of Alnus cremastogyne Influence of Vitrifying Cryopreservation Conditions on Cell Viability and Ultrastructure of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Normal Buds Ultrastructure of Tissues Accumulating Gypenosides in Vegetative Organs of Gynostemma pentaphyllum THE ULTRASTRUCTURALSTUDY ON CELLULARIZATION OF ENDOSPERM IN COIX LACRYMA-JOBI L. THE ULTRASTRUCTURAL OBSERVATION OF WHEAT SALT TOLERANCE CELL LINES OF CALLI STUDIES ON ULTRASTRUCTURE OF ACHENE EPIDERMIS AND ITS TAXONOMIC IMPLICATIONS TO CAREX (CYPERACEAE) STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORAL NECTARIES OF NYMPHOIDES PELTATUM (GMEL.) O.KUNTZ ULTRASTRUCTURAL AND CYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF ATPase ACTIVITY STUDIES OF EMBRYONIC CELL DIFFERENTIATION IN LYCIUM BARBARUM L STUCIES ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE AND MECHANISM OF NECTAR SECRETION IN FLORAL NECTARIES OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS LINN. AT DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THEMATURE FLORAL NECTARY OF NYMPHOIDES PELTATUM (GMEL) O. KUNTZ DURING THE NECTAR SECRETARY PERIOD Studies on pollen exine ultrastructure of the Polygonaceae Studies on Pollen Morphology and Exine Ultrastructure in Cephalotaxaceae Pollen Morphology and Generic Phylogenetic Relationships in Ophiopogonoideae (Liliaceae) The Pollen Morphology in Relation to the Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Fagaceae Influence of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on photosynthetic physiologies and ultrastructure of leaves in two different resistivity rice cultivars Physiological and ultrastructural responses of Potamogeton crispus to Hg2+ stress Effects of Na2CO3 stress on the ultrastructure of mesophyll cells in Puccinellia tenuiflora Effects of Lanthanum (Ⅲ) on Net Photosynthetic Rate and Ultrastructure in Armoracia rusticana Leaves Ultrastructure of Microspore Development in Jatropha curcas L. Ultrastructural Observations on Megasporogenesis in Doritis pulcherrima (Orchidaceae) The Sensitivity of Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Two Duckweed Species to Simulated Acid Rain Changes in Radicle Cell Ultrastructure of Germinated Zea mays Seeds during Desiccation Cellular Structure of Root Nodules of Elaeagnus conferta Roxb. and Nitrogen Fixation Activity ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLASTS AND PHOTOSYN-THESIS IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF YOUNG AND MATURE LEAVES OF CYMBIDIUM SINENSE (ANDR.) WILLD. AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRAL CELLS IN RICE EMBRYO SAC Photosynthetic Characteristics and Leaf Coloration Mechanism of the Next Generation of Golden Ulmus pumila Ultrastructural Observations on the Egg Development of the Fern Phymatosorus hainanensis(Polypodiaceae) Adaptive changes in the young leaf cell ultrastructure of crown buds in Medicago sativa (Leguminosae) during overwintering Effect of Exogenous SA Pretreatment on the Ultrastructure of Flower Cells in Apricot Under Chilling Stress Studies on the Histology and Ultrastructure of the Initiation of Rhizoids and Protocorm-like Bodies(PLBs)Induced from the Leaf Explants of Rosa canina Changes in the Cell Ultrastructure and Calcium Distribution During Tomato Pedicel Abscission Observa tion on Ultra structure of Sclerotesta and Endotesta from NormalSeeds and Epiphyllous Seeds of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Mak Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on Postharvest Physiology and Cell Ultrastructure of Pollination-constant and Non-astringent Persimmon DuringStorage ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF CHLOROPLAST DURING CALLUS INDUCTION IN LEAF EXPLANTS OF STEVIA REBAUDIANA BERTONI AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY ON DIMORPHISM OF TAPETUM IN REHMANNIA GLUTINOSA Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Male Gametophyte Development in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Ultrastructural Observations on the Formation of Spore Ornamentation in Asplenium sarelii Comparative Study on the Bisexual Flower and Unisexual Male Flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge Study on the stem cell structure alteration of sweet potato varieties with different resistance to Fusarium wilt Ultrastructural Observation on Chloroplast of the Thermo sensitive Green yellow Banded Leaf Mutant in Rice (Oryza sativa ssp.indica) Ultrastructures of the Egg Apparatus and the Central Cell of Calystegia hederacea (Convolvulaceae) Before and After Fertilizati on