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A Cytological Study of Fifteen Species in Six Genera of Liliaceae from Yunnan

 Fifteen  species  in  six  genera  of  the  family  Liliaceae  were karyomorphologically studied. They share the complex chromocenter type of the resting nuclei and the interstitial type of the prophase chromosomes in somatic cells except that Clintonia udensis Trautv. et Mey is of the densely diffuse type and gradient type respectively. Their karyotype formulas are listed as follows: Clintonia udensis Trautv. et Mey, 2n= 14=8m+4sm+2st (2SAT), belongs to 2A type;   Smilacina henryi (Baker) Wang et Tang, 2n=36=12m+16sm+6st+2t (2SAT),   2C   type;    Smilacina   fusca    Wall.,   2n = 36= 14m (2SAT)
+ 12sm+ 10st(2SAT), 2B type;  Smilacinata tsienensis (Franch.) Wang et Tang, 2n= 36=22m +2sm+ 2st(2SAT),  2C  type;   Smilacina  atropurpurea ( Franch.) Wang  et  Tang,  2n=36=18m+6sm(2SAT) +12st,  2C  type:  Polygonatum kingianum Coll,  et  Hesml.,  2n=30= 12m(2SAT) +6sm+ lst+2t,  2C  type;  Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royal, 2n=30= 10m+4sm+ 12st+4t, 3C type;  Polygonatum curvistylum Hua, 2n=78=24m (2SAT)+ 14sm (6SAT)+40st, 3C type;  Polygonatum cathcartii Baker, 2n = 32 = 12m + 6sm + 10st+ 2t + 2Bs, 2C type;  Lilium henricii Franch., 2n = 24 = 2m(2SAT) + 2sm + 10st+ 10t, 3A type;  Lilium bakerianum  Coll. et  Hesml.   var.   rubrum  Stearn,   2n=24=4m ( 2SAT) +10st+ 10t (2SAT), 3A type;  Nomocharis bilouensis Liang, 2n= 24= 2m (2SAT) +2sm+ 12st+ 8t, 3A type;  Nomocharis pardanthina Franch., 2n= 24=4m (2SAT)
+12st (2SAT)+ 8t, 3A type;  Nomocharis sauluensis Balf. f., 2n=24=4m(2SAT)  +10st (2SAT) + 10t,  3B  type;   Notholirion  campanulatum  Cotton  et Stearn 2n = 24 = 2m (2SAT) + 2sm + 14st(2SAT ) + 6t, 3A type.

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