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Studies on the Karyotypes and Pollen Morphology of Brassica oleracea L.and B. alboglabra Bailey

The karyotypes and pollen morphology of Brassica oleracea L. and B. alboglabra
Bailey were studied by preparing mitotic chromosome specimens and scanning electron micro-
scope.  The results are as follows: 1.  the karyotypes of the 4 varieties in B. oleracea L. and of
B. alboglabra Bailey are similar, all with the same chromosome  number (2n=18) satellite
number (one pair) and a type of karyotype, but different in respect to satellite position and
karyotype symmetry 2. The pollengrains of 2 varieties of B. oleracea L. are 3-colporate and
reticulate, distinctly different from those in B. alboglabra, which are pantoporate with smaller
     Based on the results we tend to regard that B. alboglabra Bailey is an independent species.

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