作 者 :Zhou Yun-Long, Sha Wei, Wang Chang-Rui, Wu Peng-Cheng, Luo Jian-Xin
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1988年 5期
Keywords:Moss, Chromosome number, Didymodon constrictus, Entodon schen-
Sianus, Plagiomnium cuspidatum, Cratoneuron filicinum,
In this paper the chromosome countings of 4 moss species are reported for the
first time in China. The materials used for investigation were taken from immature capsules.
Meiosis in spore mother cells and also mitosis in the case of Plagiomnium cuspidatum were
observed, with the result: Didymodon constrictus, n=14, Entodon schensianus, n=10+lm;
Plagiomnium cuspidatum, n=6, Cratoncuron jilicinum, n=10. The chromosome numbers of
the former two species are reported for the first time.