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New records of mosses growing on bones in China


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 30(6):818— 820 2Ol0年 11月
姜炎彬,邵小明 ,李 融
(中国农业大学 生物学院,北京 100193)
摘 要:在四川省马边大风顶国家级 自然保护区的高山草甸上发现了生长在牦牛骨头上的苔藓 。共有 四种
藓类植物:真藓科的真藓 、刺叶真藓、丛藓科 的短叶小石藓以及葫芦藓科的中华葫芦藓 ,它们都是顶蒴藓类。
关键词 :藓类植物;牦牛;骨头
中图分类号 :Q949.35 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1000—3142(20lo)06—0818—03
New records of mosses
JIANG Yan-Bin,SHAO Xiao—Ming ,LI Rong
(College of Biological Sciences,China Agricultural University,P,eijing 1001 93,China)
Abstract:Four acrocarpous moss species growing on the bones of Bos grunniens L.were colected in alpine meadow
of Mabian Dafengding National Nature Reserve,Sicbuan,China.They were Bryurn argenteuzn Hedw.of Bryaceae,
Bryum lonchocaulon C.Muel1.of Bryaceae,Weisia semipalida C.Muel1.of Pottiaceae,Funaria sinensis Dix.of Fu—
nariaceae.This is the first report of the bryophytes growing on the bones in China.
Key words:moss species;Bos grunniens;bone
1 IntrOducti0n
Bryophytes,which can be found almost every—
where on earth,grow on various substrates,such as
rocks,cement,gravel,tree trunks,rotting timbers,and
even phyllosphere of vascular plants,but it is unusual
that some moss species can grow on animal bones.
Species of Tetraplodon in the Splachnaceae,Musci,
commonly grow on animal remains,such as hair,bones
and carcasses(Koponen,1 983). The suhstrates of丁.
blyttii Frisvoll in Jan Mayen were excrement of bone,
feather and down(Frisvol1,1983). Someone pointed
out that mosses growing on bones of Antarctic petrels
were common in continenta】 Antarctica,but there
wasn’t any formal report.In China,mosses growing
on bones had never been found before.This paper wil
describe some moss species which do not belong to the
Splachnaceae that growing Oil the substrates of Inam—
mal bones.
2 Methods
On July 10,2008,the authors found some bones
with mosses growing on them in Mabian Dafengding
National Nature Reserve,Sichuan,China. They were
found in alpine meadow at 3 910 m a1.,close to the
mountaintop,103 15|20. 3 E,28 34l 32 8 N(Fig. 1).
Specimens were identified under microscope,imaged by
Olympus BX5 1 and stored in CAU herbarium.
3 Results
3.1 Bones
The bones were identified by Professor ZHANG
Zhao-Qun from Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology
Received date:2009一l0—22 Accepted date: 2010-04—1 5
Foundation item:Supported by National Training Fund for the Basic Science(0830630)
Biography:JIANG Yan-Bin(1984一),female,borninHubei,Ph.D.student,study on bryophytes ecology,(E-mail)violet840902@yahoo.com.cn.
Author for correspondence,E-rnai1:shaoxm@eau.edu.cn
6期 姜炎彬等 :骨生苔藓在中国的新记录 819
Mab i an Dafengding NR N
Location of the bone-mosses colecting site
103。15 F20

3 E,28 34f 32

8 N
and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sci
ences.They were metatarsal,radius,cervical verte—
bra and scapula of a immature Chinese yak(Bos
3.2 M oss species
There were four moss species growing on the
yak bones(Fig.2).
Bryum arg enteum Hedw.,plants in loose
tufts. Stems ca. 1 3 mm long,leaves imbricate,
broadly ovate or suborbicular,cymbiform ,obtuse
to acute,cuspidate or shortly acuminate,tO 1 mm ×
0.5 mnl;colorless and hyaline above,reddish be—
low;costa greenish,ending below,or extending tO
the leaf apex,seta 10——15 mm long.Dominant spe—
cies on the bones.()ften OCturs on rock,soiI,tree
base,roofs of old house,base of concrete walls etc;
widely distributes throughout the world(Li。2006).
Bryun2 loncho~ “ulon C.Muel1.,plants mixed
with B.argetiteum. Stems ca.12 mm long,leaves
appressed and slightly twisted when dry,oblong tO
lanceolate,to 3 mm X 1 mil,acum lnate,keeled;
margins revolute almost throughout the entire
length. Accompanied species on the bones,widely
Occurs on soil i1 alpine medow of arctic and north—
ern hemisphere(I.i,2006).
Weisia semipallida C. M uel1.,plants mixed

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m Ⅲ

n f
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82O 广 西 植 物
with/3.“r~enZeum. Stems ca. 1 2 Illn]long·leaves
linear lanceelate,to 3 121nl× 0.5 mitt,margins
strongly involute in the upper half but phme in the
Iower haIf:basal laminal cells rectangular and
smooth,upper cells hexagonal—rounded,with dense
[ecotropal papillae. Accompanied species on the
bones,widely distributed(、hjnese endemic species,
occur on soil。St01qe,walls(Gao,l996).
FHnur n in∽l Dix,,plants mixed wit1 B,
nr en“!H1.Stems ca.1 5 mill long,leaves crowded
in the upper stenl,entire;COS~ft exlending to the
Icaf apex;median Iaminal cells rectangular or ob
long—rectangular.thin—w∈lied,b l al cells elongate—
rectangular. Accompanied species on the bones,
Chinese endemic species.Occurs on forest ground,
sol1 over rock。cave edge。etc(Li,2000).
4 Discussion
The colonization of bryophytes on a new sub
strate reveals their adaption to the environment,
which may depends o13 their characteristics and re—
Droductive ability.The results show that all tbese
four moss species growing oil the hones adapt to
muIti substrates,and distribute widely in China.
W hile most Irnoss species rely mainly on various a—
sexual reproduction means,like fragmentation,bul
bils.rhizoidal tubers and gammae((_;lime,2006),
spores as the SeXL1Ptl reproduction means are more
likely to play a significant role in the colonization
0f mosses on the hones.There are many factors re—
strict the colonization of species in entomophilous
Splachnaceae on organic substrates which decorn—
pose slowly and persist long enough,the most im—
portant ones are spore dispersal adaptations and in
sect behaviors(Koponen.1 983;Cameron W yatt,
1986). These four species growing on the bones
have relatively sllal1 spore diameters.in the range
of 1 0~ 20 um (Zhang W u.2006),which may
make their settlements on l3ones more easily even
though the survival strategies of these IllOSS species
were unknown. Further studies arc needed to nil
derstand their spores dispersal and adat~tion to this
special habitat.
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