作 者 :ZHANG Li-Bing, KUNG Hsian-Shiu
期 刊 :植物分类学报 2000年 3期
Keywords:Lycopodiaceae, Classification, China,
The fern-allied family Lycopodiaceae(s. str. ) in China is reclassified in the present pa-
per. Six genera, fifteen species and three forms are recorded. The genus Pseudolycopodiella Holub
(1983) is adopted, one new name, Lycopodium neopungens H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, is given
to replace the invalid name L. pungens Desv., one new form is described: Palhinhaea hainanensis
C. Y. Yang f. glabra H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, and nine names are treated for the first time
as synonyms: L. annotinum L. var. brevifolium Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. annotinum L.
var. aciculare Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. alticola Ching( = L. zonatum Ching), L. sim-
ulans Ching et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. interjectum Ching
et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. taliense Ching(=L. japoni-
cum Thunb. ex Murray), L. pseudoclavatum Ching( = L. japonicm Thunb. ex Murray.), L.
pseudoclavatum Ching var. yunnanense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), and L. cen-
tro-chinense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray). The distribution of all the taxa is also giv-
en. Additionally, some taxonomic discussions are made and it is considered that there is no Dipha-
siastrum wightianum (Wall. ex Grev. et Hook. ) Holub( = Lycopodium wightianum Wall. ex Grev.
et Hook. ) in the flora.