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Pollen Morphology of Trichosanthes and Its Taxonomic Significance

The pollen grains of 31 species and 1 variety of the genus Trichosanthes were examined under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. All of them are 3 (4)-colporate. The exine ornamentation can be divided into four types, which can be used for the identification of individual section and species. This division is consistent with the taxonomy based on gross morphology, i.e. verrucate or rugulate (Sect. Trichosanthes), coarsely reticulate (Sect. Bracteatae), reticulate or smooth (Sect. Folibracteola), rugulate or nearly smooth  (Sect.  Cucumeroides).  The  colporate  character  supports  to  divide  Sect. Foliobracteolia into two subsection,  Subsect.  Foliobracteolia (with distinct colpi ) and Subsect. Villosae.

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