摘 要 :大气 CO2 浓度升高对陆生植物的影响引起广泛的关注 ,相对来讲 ,人们对大型海藻类与 CO2 浓度升高关系的研究则要薄弱得多 ,但近年来在这方面仍有很大进展。高 CO2 浓度下 ,许多大型海藻表现出光合能力下降 ,对海水中 HCO- 3利用能力下降 ,并使得光合量子产额下降 ;而另一些大型海藻则没有上述光合作用的下调现象。另外 ,高 CO2 浓度下 ,大型海藻的其它许多生理过程 (如生长、呼吸作用、营养盐代谢、生化组成以及钙化作用等 ) ,均发生了相应的变化。文章分析了影响高 CO2 浓度对大型海藻效应的主要因素 ,并对今后的研究作了展望。
Abstract:Comprehensive concerns and researches have been executed on the ecological impacts of elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentration on plants. Marine macroalgae, which occur in the intertidal and subtidal zones and are the important components of the coastal ecosystem in terms of biomass and biodiversity, play a key role in the coastal carbon cycle and have great potential for biomass production and CO 2 bioremediation. A significant number of investigations have been carried out on the effects of elevated CO ...