Abstract:Using various doses of antibiotic tetracycline hydrochloride, the effect of Wolbachia on the offspring production, longevity and the sex ratio of the parasitoid wasp Encarsia formosa were measured. Males induced by feeding antibiotic to their mothers in all treatments. Following antibiotic treatments, the percentage of males rises at low dose of tetracycline and drops again. The total sex ratio of offspring produced by treated mothers was positively correlated to the doses of antibiotic (r=0.322, P<0.01). At the concentration of 1mg/mL the treated females produced more offspring than the control (treatment group 68.1±8.9, control group 49.1±4.5), but the difference in longevity was not significant (treatment group 15.56±1.55, control group 12.50±0.88). It concluded that: Wolbachia has a negative impose on E.formosa. The influence of Wolbachia depends on its density.