以鸡粪为材料,添加不同比例的铜锌进行腐解试验,研究了腐解过程中不同溶性(水溶性、氢氧化钠溶性、氢氧化钠-焦磷酸钠混合液溶性)腐殖物质结合形态锌浓度的动态变化、受铜含量的影响及其与有效锌的关系。结果表明,粪肥原样水溶性锌(H2O-Zn)占其全锌量的0.74%,在腐解过程中逐渐下降;随着粪肥中添加锌量的增加(Cu/Zn为1: 1、1: 2、1: 3处理),H2O-Zn含量也相应增加,但平均含量占其全锌的比例低于对照处理,同时也随着腐解时间延长呈减少趋势。铜含量的增加对H2O-Zn提取有促进作用。腐解初期,粪肥原样中NaOH浸提取锌含量占其全锌量的62.41%,在腐解过程其比例大幅度下降;NaOH腐殖物质结合态锌(NaOH-Zn)随着加入锌的增大而有所增加,随着铜含量增加,NaOH溶性腐殖物质结合态锌的含量也有增加趋势,而随着腐解时间呈下降趋势。粪肥原样中NaOH-Na4P2O7提取腐殖物质络合锌含量占其全锌量的13.59%,随腐解时间推移呈增加趋势;NaOH-Na4P2O7提取腐殖物质络合态锌(NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn)的量随着加入锌量的增加,其变化不大,且铜含量对NaOH-Na4P2O7提取腐殖物质络合态锌的量影响很小。在堆腐前,在各个处理样中,50%~85%的可溶性锌分配在NaOH的溶液,10%~50%分配在碱性混合液,0~5%在水溶液;至腐解后期,58%~92%分配在NaOH-Na4P2O7溶液,6%~41%分配在NaOH的溶液,0~2%分配在水溶液。随着锌含量增加,H2O-Zn和NaOH-Zn的分配比例逐渐增加,而NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn的分配比例减少。在堆腐粪肥中,水溶性锌、NaOH溶性腐殖物质结合态锌与有效锌浓度之间显极正显著或正显著相关,而NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn溶性腐殖物质络合态锌与水溶性锌,NaOH溶性腐殖物质结合态锌及有效锌浓度都显极负显著或负显著相关。
Chicken manures added with Cu and Zn were used for composting experiment to study the changes of humus complexed zinc(humus-zinc)extracted by H2O, NaOH and NaOH-Na4P2O7 mixture (expressed as H2O-Zn,NaOH-Zn and NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn), respectively. The effect of copper in compost on humus-zinc and the relationship between humus-zinc and available Zn were also revealed. H2O-Zn of raw manure accounted for 0.74% of total Zinc of the compost, and decreased with the manure composting. With the increase of adding zinc (Cu/Zn was 1: 1, 1: 2 and 1: 3), H2O-Zn increased correspondingly, and decreased with the process of decomposition. The average percentages of H2O-Zn to total Zinc of the treatment of 1: 1, 1: 2 and 1: 3 were lower than that of the control (raw materials). H2O-Zn was increased with the increase of copper content. NaOH-Zn accounted for 62.41% of total Zn of the raw manure and decreased dramatically with the compost proceeding. With the increase of adding Zn,
NaOH-Zn increased, but decreased with decomposing process. During decomposition, the added copper increased the content of NaOH-Zn. NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn accounted for 13.59% of total copper of the raw manure, which increased with time of composting. With the added Zn content increasing in compost manure, the percentage of NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn to total Zn changed slightly. The added copper had no significant effect on NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn. Before composting, of all humus–zinc extracted by H2O, NaOH and NaOH-Na4P2O7 , respectively, 50%–85% of extracted humus–Zn was present in NaOH fraction, 10%–50% in NaOH-Na4P2O7 fraction, and 0–5% in H2O fraction. After composting, 6%–41% of extracted humus–zinc was present in NaOH fraction, 58%–92% in NaOH-Na4P2O7 fraction, and 0–2% in H2O fraction. With the added zinc contents increasing, the distribution percent of NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn (Pressed as percent of extracted Zn) decreased. H2O-Zn,NaOH-Zn, and DTPA-Zn were positively correlated to each other and all were negatively correlated to NaOH-Na4P2O7-Zn. (P≤0.01).
全 文 :收稿日期:!""#$"%$"& 接受日期:!""#$’!$!%
作者简介:卢丽兰(’%#’—),女,海南省海口市,硕士生研究生,主要从事土壤和环境化学研究。-./012:2321204’!567’,58 9:/
! 通讯作者 -./012:;04<=3>:4<"’7’!,8 9:/
(西北农林科技大学资源环境学院,陕西杨凌 (’!’"")
关系。结果表明,粪肥原样水溶性锌(?!@.A4)占其全锌量的 "8(6B,在腐解过程中逐渐下降;随着粪肥中添加锌量
的增加(C3 D A4为 ’E’、’E!、’E5处理),?!@.A4含量也相应增加,但平均含量占其全锌的比例低于对照处理,同时也
随着腐解时间延长呈减少趋势。铜含量的增加对 ?!@.A4提取有促进作用。腐解初期,粪肥原样中 F0@?浸提取锌
含量占其全锌量的 ,!86’B,在腐解过程其比例大幅度下降;F0@?腐殖物质结合态锌(F0@?.A4)随着加入锌的增
粪肥原样中 F0@?.F06G!@(提取腐殖物质络合锌含量占其全锌量的 ’58&%B,随腐解时间推移呈增加趋势;F0@?.
F06G!@(提取腐殖物质络合态锌(F0@?.F06G!@(.A4)的量随着加入锌量的增加,其变化不大,且铜含量对 F0@?.
F06G!@(提取腐殖物质络合态锌的量影响很小。在堆腐前,在各个处理样中,&"B!#&B的可溶性锌分配在 F0@?
的溶液,’"B!&"B分配在碱性混合液,"!&B在水溶液;至腐解后期,B!%!B分配在 F0@?.F06G!@(溶液,,B
!6’B分配在 F0@?的溶液,"!!B分配在水溶液。随着锌含量增加,?!@.A4和 F0@?.A4的分配比例逐渐增加,而
极正显著或正显著相关,而 F0@?.F06G!@(.A4溶性腐殖物质络合态锌与水溶性锌,F0@?溶性腐殖物质结合态锌及
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