Abstract:Pot experiment was applied to study the effects of drought tolerance nearisogenic lines of winter wheat(V1 of high, V2 of medium and V3 of low tolerance],nitrogen fertilizer (NO of no nitrogen, N1 of 0. 15g/kg soil and N2 of 0. 3g/kg soil] andwater stress(W 1,W2 and W3 represent 24%,20% and 16% Wg, respectively] on nitrogenuptake by the wheat. Results show that the nitrogen uptake is significantly differentamong the genotypes. The nitrogen uptake of the genotype of high drought-tolerance[Hgr] is smaller than that of medium and low drought-tolarance [MDT, LDT] one.Compared to the maximum nitrogen uptake. the N uptake of HDT genotype reduces10. 37%, 16. 91% and 20.16%, respectively in the treatment of no, lower and high Nfertilization rate (NO, N 1 and N 2). Nitrogen fertilizer rate and water stress degree(medium drought W3, lighter drought W2 and normal water application W1] influencethe N uptake by the wheat remarkably. N uptake in seeds of HDT genotype increaseswith N fertilization rate, whereas in the straw decrease. Water stress reduce thenitrogen uptake. Percentage of the reduction differs with the genotypes, degree of waterstress and fertilization rate. Nitrogen fertilizer influences the response of the genotypeon the nitrogen. The nitrogen uptake of seeds and straw of the wheat changes with thenitrogen applieation rate and genotypes under the conditions of both normal watersupply and water stress. There is positive inter-reaction between N fertilizer[NF] andthe genotype[V], NF and water stress, NF and V as well as water stress. For the grainyield production with regards of N uptake, the best combination of water, nitrogenfertilization and varlety is W3V2N2, W2V2N1, W1V3N1 under the condition of medium,slightly drought and no drought separately.