Abstract:The a im o f this paper is to prov ide the data that the transplant advantage in sou thw est arid ity area of Chinaso that shoot? s trace e lement and nutritional components ofw ine bamboo, Oxy tenanthera braunii, through thew in terespecially under p lastic film mulch ing condit ion w eremeasured. The resu lts show ed that p last ic film mulch ing cou ldprecede in t ime o f shoot germ ina tion and enhance the shoot qua lity such as improv ing absorbab ility of trace elemen,tincreasing content o f prote in, sugar, coarse f iber and ma jor ity o f am ino acid. And a lso, it cou ld acce lerate thedevelopment of shoo t responding to the difference o f base d iame ter. W ine bamboo? s trace elementw as rich, and thecontent o f crude fat and sugarw ere h igher compared w ith the shoot ofPhy llostachy s edulis, P. edulis cv. p achy loenand Dendrocalamus brand isii w ith the closer relat ionship that the ex cret ing sap contained about 5% a lcoho l throughnew cutt ing stem. W ine bamboo germ inated shoo ts in w ho le year at Mo jiang Base if mother plan t could absorbenough nutrition resulting in great consumption o f nutriment and physiolog ical turbulence like decreasing am ino ac idcontent under an inaptitude condition. So the am ino acid content w as low w hich w ere 1. 3%, 1. 04% undertreatment of plastic film mu lching and the contro l respectively, although a ll kinds of necessary am ino acid w ereincluded. Shoot o fw ine bamboo had a spec ial taste for its low er tannin conten t and higher aspartic acid and g lutam icac id contents. Synthetica lly, short time of plastic film mu lching show ed to be amethod to provide the necessary so ilw ater and mean temperature and do good for development and soil qua lity though w inter.