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Analysis on Dynamic of Volatile Organic Substances Released from Pistacia Chinensis



[Objective]In order to provide a theory basis for the use of leaf volatiles of Pistacia chinensis, it is necessary to understand its diel fluctuation and seasonal dynamics of volatile organic compounds and analyze its volatile composition and relative content.[Method]Five P. chinensis individuals were randomly selected from an adult P. chinensis plantation in North Campus, Shandong Agricultural University. The healthy compound leaves were collected from the outside canopy receiving uniform sunlight at 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 on a sunny day in the spring of 2008 (may), summer (July), the fall (October), respectively. The diel fluctuation and seasonal dynamics of volatile organic compounds from P. chinensis leaves were determined by automatic static headspace and GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) technique. [Result]The released volatile substances mainly contained Monoterpenes of β-cis-ocimene, β-trans-ocimene, D-limonene, 3-carene, α-pinene, and β-myrcene, and a small amount of alcohols, ketones and esters. The terpenes accounted for more than 85% of the total volatiles. During a year, the release of terpene substances had a dynamic trend of summer (93.6%) > fall (89.2%) > spring (85.9%). The species of terpene substances were most in spring (59 kinds), followed by that in summer (52 kinds), and then in autumn (50 kinds). The released quantity of alcohols was most in spring, and followed by that in summer and autumn, and the released amount in summer and autumn was similar; Esters, alkanes and aldehydes were released the least in summer, and the released amounts in spring were more than that in autumn. However, ketone release quantity did not change significantly in different seasons. In terms of several major terpenes, the release quantity of beta-cis-Ocimene in different seasons was as the following: spring> summer> autumn, the released beta-Trans-Ocimene was autumn> spring> summer, the released 3-carene was summer > spring > autumn, while the α-pinene and β-myrcene remained unchanged. During a day, the relative contents of monoterpenes showed a trend of the first increased then decreased, and at 15:00, the released amounts generally reached the highest in the day, with smaller in morning and evening. As for several major terpenes, the release quantity of β-cis-ocimene, β-trans-ocimene and D-limonene reached the most in 15:00, regardless of in spring, summer or autumn; and the α-pinene was released the most at 15:00 in spring and autumn, while it was released the maximum at 12:00 in summer; The release quantity of β-myrcene remained uncharged all the time except for that at 18:00 in spring when it slightly dropped. The release quantity of 3-carene remained unchanged in spring and autumn, while it showed a trend of the first increased then decreased with the peak at 12:00 pm. [Conclusion]Monoterpenes were the main volatile substances released from P. chinensis leaves. The seasonal dynamic trends were summer> autumn> spring, and the diel fluctuation showed a trend of 15:00> 12:00> 18:00> 09:00> 21:00.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 1 期
2 0 1 5 年 1 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 1
Jan.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150118
收稿日期: 2014 - 04 - 20; 修回日期: 2014 - 11 - 30。
基金项目: 公益性行业(农业)科技项目“我国重要野生果树资源的收集、评价与优异种质创新利用技术研究与示范”(201303093) ; 山东
省良种产业化项目“果树新资源引进开发”(2009 - 96)。
* 沈向为通讯作者。
王 荣 胡静静 王 超 张 贞 盖 瑞 郭小静 沈 向
(山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院 /作物生物学国家重点实验室 泰安 271018)
摘 要: 【目的】了解黄连木叶片挥发性物质释放的日变化动态和季节变化动态,对黄连木叶片挥发性物质成分
和相对含量进行比较分析,为黄连木叶片挥发性物质的利用提供理论依据。【方法】随机选取 5 株成年黄连木,分
别于 2008 年春季(5 月)、夏季(7 月)、秋季(10 月)选择天气晴朗的 1 天,在 9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00 和 21:00 采
集树冠外围受光一致、健康无损的复叶,利用静态顶空进样与气相色谱 -质谱(GC-MS)联用法,对叶片释放挥发性
包括顺式 - β -罗勒烯、反式 - β -罗勒烯、香芹烯、3 - 蒈烯、α - 松节烯、β - 月桂烯等单萜类化合物及少量的醇
类、酮类、酯类化合物,其中萜烯类化合物占总排量的 85% 以上。1 年中,萜烯类化合物的释放动态趋势为夏季
(93. 6% ) >秋季(89. 2% ) >春季(85. 9% ),而萜烯类化合物的种类在春季最多(59 种),其次是夏季(52 种),而秋
季最少(50 种);醇类物质的释放量在春季最多,夏季和秋季的释放量相近;酯类、烷烃类和醛类物质均为夏季的释
放量而言,顺式 - β -罗勒烯为春季 >夏季 >秋季,反式 - β -罗勒烯为秋季 >春季 >夏季,而香芹烯则为秋季 >夏
季 >春季,α -松节烯和 β -月桂烯的释放量基本保持不变,3 -蒈烯为夏季 >春季 > 秋季。1 天中,萜烯类化合物
的释放总量呈现先增多后降低的趋势,并在 15:00 释放量达到最大,而早晚的释放量则较小。就几种主要的萜烯
类物质的释放量而言,香芹烯、反式 - β - 罗勒烯和顺式 - β - 罗勒烯无论在春季、夏季或者秋季,其释放量均在
15:00 达到最高;α -松节烯在春季和秋季,15:00 达到最大水平,而夏季 12:00 其释放量已达到最大;β -月桂烯的
相对含量除了春季 18:00 略有下降外,其他时间均保持不变;3 -蒈烯 1 天中的释放量在春季和秋季基本保持不变,
但夏季呈先增多后减少的趋势,并于 12:00 释放量达到最大。【结论】萜烯类化合物是黄连木叶片释放的主要挥发
性物质,其年释放动态变化趋势为夏季 >秋季 > 春季,日释放量动态变化趋势为 15:00 > 12:00 > 18:00 > 9:00 >
关键词: 黄连木; 气相色谱 -质谱联用法; 挥发性有机化合物; 释放动态
中图分类号: S661. 9 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)01 - 0150 - 07
Analysis on Dynamic of Volatile Organic Substances Released from Pistacia Chinensis
Wang Rong Hu Jingjing Wang Chao Zhang Zhen Ge Rui Guo Xiaojing Shen Xiang
( State Key Laboratory for Crop Biology College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University Tai’an 271018)
Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to provide a theory basis for the use of leaf volatiles of Pistacia chinensis,it is
necessary to understand its diel fluctuation and seasonal dynamics of volatile organic compounds and analyze its volatile
composition and relative content.【Method】Five P. chinensis individuals were randomly selected from an adult P.
chinensis plantation in North Campus,Shandong Agricultural University. The healthy compound leaves were collected from
the outside canopy receiving uniform sunlight at 9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00 and 21:00 on a sunny day in the spring of
2008 (may),summer ( July),the fall (October),respectively. The diel fluctuation and seasonal dynamics of volatile
organic compounds from P. chinensis leaves were determined by automatic static headspace and GC-MS ( gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry) technique. 【Result】The released volatile substances mainly contained Monoterpenes
of β-cis-ocimene,β-trans-ocimene,D-limonene,3-carene,α-pinene,and β-myrcene,and a small amount of alcohols,
ketones and esters. The terpenes accounted for more than 85% of the total volatiles. During a year,the release of terpene
第 1 期 王 荣等: 黄连木叶片挥发性物质动态变化分析
substances had a dynamic trend of summer (93. 6% ) > fall (89. 2% ) > spring (85. 9% ) . The species of terpene
substances were most in spring (59 kinds),followed by that in summer (52 kinds),and then in autumn (50 kinds) .
The released quantity of alcohols was most in spring,and followed by that in summer and autumn,and the released
amount in summer and autumn was similar; Esters,alkanes and aldehydes were released the least in summer,and the
released amounts in spring were more than that in autumn. However,ketone release quantity did not change significantly
in different seasons. In terms of several major terpenes,the release quantity of beta-cis-Ocimene in different seasons was
as the following: spring > summer > autumn,the released beta-Trans-Ocimene was autumn > spring > summer,the
released 3-carene was summer > spring > autumn,while the α-pinene and β-myrcene remained unchanged. During a
day,the relative contents of monoterpenes showed a trend of the first increased then decreased,and at 15:00,the
released amounts generally reached the highest in the day,with smaller in morning and evening. As for several major
terpenes,the release quantity of β-cis-ocimene,β-trans-ocimene and D-limonene reached the most in 15:00,regardless
of in spring,summer or autumn; and the α-pinene was released the most at 15:00 in spring and autumn,while it was
released the maximum at 12:00 in summer; The release quantity of β-myrcene remained uncharged all the time except for
that at 18:00 in spring when it slightly dropped. The release quantity of 3-carene remained unchanged in spring and
autumn,while it showed a trend of the first increased then decreased with the peak at 12: 00 pm. 【Conclusion】
Monoterpenes were the main volatile substances released from P. chinensis leaves. The seasonal dynamic trends were
summer > autumn > spring,and the diel fluctuation showed a trend of 15:00 > 12:00 > 18:00 > 09:00 > 21:00.
Key words: Pistacia chinesis; static-headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; VOCs; releasing dynamics
挥发性有机化合物( volatile organic compounds,
(张苏芳等,2012)。在自然界中,植物排放的 VOCs
(Benthey,1997; Theis et al.,2003)。植物释放的
VOCs 含量相对较低,但具有很强的生态效应。在
植物群落中,植物通过释放 VOCs 可以阻碍周围竞
2005); VOCs 对病原微生物具有抑制作用,增强植
物的抗病性; VOCs 可以调节人体的生理和心理状
态,发挥保健功效(何念鹏等,2005); VOCs 还可以
影响大气的组成成分,改变空气质量 (Deng et al.,
2004; Miller et al.,2001),改善人类的居住环境。
黄 连 木 ( Pistacia chinensis ) 为 漆 树 科
(江苏新医学院,1977; 马淑英,1999)。黄连木叶
香气味(王志辉,2003; Zhu et al.,2006),但其挥发
研究采用 GC-MS 对健康黄连木植株叶片释放的挥
1 材料与方法
1. 1 试验材料 随机选取 5 株山东农业大学北校
区栽植的成年黄连木,于 2008 年春季(5 月)、夏季
(7 月)、秋季(10 月)选择天气晴朗的 1 天,在 9:00,
12:00,15:00,18:00 和 21:00 采集树冠外围受光条
件一致、健康无损的 7 片复叶,立刻带回实验室进行
1. 2 叶片挥发性物质的测定 采集的样品小叶快
2. 0 g于 15 mL 顶空进样瓶中,用垫片和铝盖密封,
采用 HS - 40 型自动顶空进样器(Perkin Elmer 公司
谱 - 质 谱 联 用 仪 ( 岛 津 公 司,Shimadzu GCMS-
试验参照吴曼等(2012)对海棠(Malus sp. )挥发
炉温 45 ℃,保持30 min。气相色谱条件: 弹性石英毛
林 业 科 学 51 卷
细管色谱柱非极柱为 Rtx-5MS (30 m × 0. 32 mm ×
0. 25 μm ),进样口温度 250 ℃ ;柱温 初始温度
35 ℃,保持 2 min,以 6 ℃·min - 1升至 100 ℃,以
8 ℃·min - 1升至 140 ℃,再以 12 ℃·min - 1 升至
250 ℃,保持 3 min;扫描范围 45 ~ 450 amu; 分流进
样,分流比 10 ∶ 1。
2 结果与分析
2. 1 黄连木叶片挥发性物质成分 对供试黄连木
叶片挥发性物质 GC-MS 总离子图的各个组分质谱进
行计算机谱库检索,共检测出 92 种挥发性物质,其
对含量均达到挥发性物质总量的 90%左右(表 1)。
春季黄连木叶片中共检测出 87 种挥发性化合
物: 2 种酮类化合物、4 种醛类化合物、6 种烷烃类化
合物、7 种酯类化合物、13 种醇类化合物和 55 种萜
烯类化合物,其相对含量分别为 0. 73%,1. 32%,
1. 50%,1. 72%,5. 14%和 86. 71%。87 种挥发性物
质中,相对含量最高的为顺式 - β - 罗勒烯,为
21. 84%,其次是反式 - β -罗勒烯、α -松节烯和香
芹烯,分别为 20. 32%,14. 30%和 13. 99%。
夏季黄连木叶片中共检测出 69 种挥发性物质:
1 种酮类化合物、1 种醛类化合物、3 种烷烃类化合
物、6 种酯类化合物、10 种醇类化合物和 48 种萜烯
类化合物,其相对含量分别为 0. 76%,0. 02%,
0. 69%,1. 07%,1. 47% 和 93. 63%。检测出的挥发
性物质中,相对含量最高的是顺式 - β -罗勒烯,为
22. 75%,其次是反式 - β -罗勒烯、α -松节烯和香
芹烯,分别为 17. 22%,15. 73%和 14. 51%。
秋季黄连木叶片共检测出 73 种挥发性物质: 1
种酮类化合物、3 种醛类化合物、3 种烷烃类化合物、
7 种酯类化合物、13 种醇类化合物和 46 种萜烯类化
合物,其相对含量分别为 0. 83%,1. 62%,0. 99%,
1. 13%,3. 11%和 89. 17%。检测出的挥发性物质
中,相对含量最高的是顺式 - β - 罗勒烯,为
19. 55%,其次是反式 - β -罗勒烯、香芹烯和 α -松
节烯,分别为 18. 66%,15. 42%和 13. 47%。
2. 2 黄连木叶片挥发性物质动态变化 1) 黄连木
叶片挥发性物质日变化 在春季、夏季和秋季,黄连
木叶片中烯萜类物质的相对含量分别为 86. 71%,
93. 63%和 89. 17%,除了春季叶片中醇类物质的相
对含量为 3. 42%外,其他的均不足 2%。而在烯萜
类物质中,相对含量最高的是顺式 - β -罗勒烯,其
次是反式 - β -罗勒烯、α -松节烯、3 -蒈烯、β -月
桂烯和香芹烯(表 1)。因此,可以这几种主要的挥
动态变化(图 1)。
无论在春季、夏季和秋季,香芹烯、反式 - β -
罗勒烯和顺式 - β - 罗勒烯的相对含量在 1 天中均
是先增多后降低,15:00 达到最大值,到 21:00 又降
低到早上 9:00 的水平。α -松节烯的相对含量在 1
15:00 达到最大水平,而夏季 12:00,其相对含量已
达到最大。β - 月桂烯的相对含量除了春季 18:00
3 -蒈烯,1 天中相对含量基本保持不变; 但在夏
季,其相对含量呈先增多后减少的趋势,并于 12:00
达到最大水平,之后略有下降,15:00 之后基本保持
2) 黄连木叶片挥发性物质的季节动态变化
烯类化合物为主(图 2)。黄连木叶片释放的挥发性
93. 63%,在秋季的释放量稍有减少 (89. 17% ),但
也多于春季的释放量(86. 71% ); 萜烯类化合物的
种类,在春季最多(55 种),夏季其次(48 种),而秋
季最少(46 种)。不同烯萜类挥发性物质成分,在不
同季节的变化趋势也不同(图 3)。顺式 - β - 罗勒
烯呈下降趋势,反式 - β - 罗勒烯的释放量为秋
季 >春季 >夏季,而香芹烯的释放量则呈现上升的
趋势; α -松节烯和 β - 月桂烯的释放量基本保持
不变;3 -蒈烯的释放量在夏季达到最大,春季的释
量相近; 酯类、烷烃类和醛类物质,均为夏季的释放
量最少,春季的释放量多于秋季; 而酮类物质的释
3 讨论
成分进行研究,共检测出 99 种化合物,其中烯萜类
化合物 37 种,相对含量约为 11. 82%。周葆华
(2008)在对清香木(Pistacia neinmannifolia)叶与黄
叶挥发油中的 59 种化合物,其中含有异戊二烯结构
第 1 期 王 荣等: 黄连木叶片挥发性物质动态变化分析
单元的烯萜类化合物 7 种,相对含量为 2. 20%。本
研究通过对春、夏、秋 3 个季节黄连木叶片中挥发物
的研究,共检测出 92 种化合物,在每个季节中萜烯
类化合物的含量都占挥发性物质总量的 90%左右,
表 1 春季、夏季和秋季黄连木叶片挥发性物质种类和相对含量
Tab. 1 The whole leaf volatiles and its relative content in spring,summer and autumn %
Compound name
Relative content
萜烯类 Terpene 1 顺式 - β -罗勒烯 β-cis-ocimene 20. 32 17. 22 18. 66
2 反式 - β -罗勒烯 β-trans-ocimene 21. 84 22. 75 19. 55
3 香芹烯 D-limonene 13. 99 14. 51 15. 42
4 α -松节烯 α-pinene 14. 30 15. 73 13. 47
5 3 -蒈烯 3-Carene 2. 98 4. 29 5. 66
6 β -月桂烯 β-Myrcene 2. 47 2. 62 2. 81
7 γ -芹子烯 γ-Selinene 0. 94 — 0. 18
8 β -蒎烯 β-Pinene 0. 91 1. 77 1. 70
9 大根香叶烯 D Germacrene D 0. 79 — —
10 γ -松油烯 γ-terpinene 0. 61 0. 13 —
11 金合欢烯 Farnesene 0. 59 0. 01 —
12 α -石竹烯 α-caryophyllene 0. 51 0. 25 0. 08
13 α -荜澄茄烯 α-cubebene 0. 51 0. 01 —
14 异丁子香烯 Isocaryophillene 0. 46 0. 28 0. 49
15 三环萜 Tricyclene 0. 42 0. 13 0. 27
16 4 -甲基 - 1,3 -戊二烯 4-Methyl-1,3-pentadiene 0. 39 0. 01 0. 01
17 1S - α -蒎烯 1S-α-Pinene 0. 37 0. 15 0. 17
18 2 -蒈烯 2-Carene 0. 37 0. 25 —
19 α -愈创木烯 α-Guaiene 0. 31 0. 62 0. 64
20 5,5 -二甲基 - 3 -异丙烯基环戊烯 Cyclopentene,3-isopropenyl-5,5-dimethyl- 0. 31 — —
21 1R - α -蒎烯 1R-α-Pinene 0. 24 0. 03 0. 03
2,6,6 - 三甲基二环[3. 1. 1]庚 - 2 - 烯 Bicyclo[3. 1. 1]hept-2-ene,2,6,6-
trimethyl-,( . + / - . )-
0. 22 — —
23 2 -甲基 - 3 -乙基 - 1 -戊烯 1-Pentene,3-ethyl-2-methyl- 0. 20 0. 31 0. 40
24 莰烯 Camphene 0. 20 1. 54 1. 33
4,4,6,6 -四甲基二环[3. 1. 0]己 - 2 - 烯 Bicyclo[3. 1. 0]hex-2-ene,4,4,6,6-
0. 19 0. 07 0. 05
26 α -水芹烯 α-Phellandrene 0. 18 3. 15 2. 39
3 - (1 -甲基乙基烯) - 5 - 甲基 - 1,4 - 己二烯 1,4-Hexadiene,5-methyl-3-(1-
0. 17 0. 29 0. 91
28 石竹烯 Caryophyllene 0. 17 0. 19 0. 04
29 柏木烯 Cedrene 0. 17 0. 05 0. 02
30 α -侧柏烯 α-Thujene 0. 15 0. 19 0. 09
31 桧烯 Sabinene 0. 13 0. 47 0. 23
32 α -异松油烯 α-Terpinolen 0. 13 0. 12 0. 09
33 雅槛蓝烯 Eremophilene 0. 13 0. 03 0. 32
34 δ -杜松烯 δ-Cadinene 0. 13 0. 13 0. 04
35 葎草烯 - ( v1) Humulen-( v1) 0. 11 — 0. 15
36 2,6 -二甲基 - 2,4,6 -辛三烯 2,4,6-Octatriene,2,6-dimethyl-,(E,Z)- 0. 08 0. 23 —
37 树兰烯 Copaene 0. 08 — 0. 06
38 花柏烯 Chamigrene 0. 06 0. 01 0. 29
39 β -榄香烯 β-Elemene 0. 06 — 0. 06
40 葎草烯 Humulen 0. 06 0. 03 —
41 α -榄香烯 α-Elemene 0. 05 0. 02 —
42 香树烯 Aromadendrene 0. 05 0. 01 0. 01
林 业 科 学 51 卷
续表 1 Continned
Compound name
Relative content
43 石竹烯 - ( I3) Caryophyllene-( I3) 0. 05 0. 79 0. 33
44 依兰烯 Ylangene 0. 03 0. 01 0. 03
45 ( + ) - 4 -蒈烯 ( + )-4-Carene 0. 03 0. 06 0. 04
46 α -波旁烯 α-Bourbonene 0. 03 0. 86 0. 02
47 石竹烯 - ( I1) Caryophyllene-( I1) 0. 03 — 0. 04
3,7,7 - 三甲基二环[4. 1. 0]庚 - 3 - 烯 Bicyclo[4. 1. 0]hept-3-ene,3,7,7-
0. 03 — —
49 γ -古芸烯 γ-Gurjunene 0. 03 0. 05 0. 17
50 α -长叶烯 α-longipinene 0. 03 0. 02 0. 03
51 α -雪松烯 α-cedrene 0. 03 0. 01 —
(2E,4E,6E) - 3,4 - 二甲基 - 2,4,6 - 辛三烯(2E,4E,6E)-3,4-Dimethyl-2,4,
0. 02 3. 85 1. 58
53 4(14),11 -桉叶二烯 Eudesma-4(14),11-diene 0. 02 0. 01 0. 20
54 2 -龙脑烯 2-bornene 0. 02 — 0. 07
55 ( - ) -蒎烯 ( - )-β-Pinene 0. 01 — 0. 42
56 小蠹二烯醇 Isoledene — 0. 20 —
57 δ -愈创木烯 δ-Guaiene — 0. 08 0. 47
58 顺式 - α -甜没药烯 cis-α-bisabolene — 0. 06 0. 01
59 反式 - α -香柠檬烯 trans-α-bergamotene — 0. 03 0. 14
醇类 Ethonal 60 芳樟醇 Linalool 0. 91 0. 03 0. 09
61 己醇 Hexanol 0. 73 0. 08 1. 77
62 2 -戊烯 - 1 -醇 2-Penten-1-ol,(Z)- 0. 58 0. 18 0. 14
63 4 -乙基 - 4 -庚醇 4-Ethyl-4-heptanol 0. 42 0. 08 0. 29
64 3 -己烯 - 1 -醇 3-Hexen-1-ol 0. 41 0. 06 0. 04
65 3 -甲基 - 1,3 -戊二烯 - 5 -醇 3 - Methylpenta-1,3-diene-5-ol,(E) - 0. 39 — 0. 26
66 2 -己烯 - 1 -醇 2-Hexen-1-ol,(E)- 0. 37 0. 19 0. 03
67 4 -己烯 - 1 -醇 4-Hexen-1-ol,(E)- 0. 29 〗— 0. 16
68 香芹醇(蒿醇) Carveol 0. 27 0. 69 0. 04
69 1 -己醇 1-Hexanol 0. 23 — 0. 14
70 1 -戊烯 - 3 -醇 1-Penten-3-ol 0. 22 0. 12 0. 06
71 3 -戊醇 3-Pentanol 0. 19 0. 02 0. 06
72 2 -辛醇 2-Octenal,(E)- 0. 13 0. 02 0. 03
酯类 Esters 73 2 -戊烯 - 1 -醇乙酯 2-Penten-1-ol,acetate,(Z)- 0. 41 0. 04 0. 03
74 乙酸戊酯 Acetic acid,pentyl ester 0. 33 0. 68 0. 16
75 丁酸乙酯 Butanoic acid,ethyl ester 0. 31 — 0. 08
76 3 -甲基丁醇乙酯 1-Butanol,3-methyl-,acetate 0. 27 0. 02 0. 02
77 2 -戊烯 - 1 -醇乙酯 2-Penten-1-ol,acetate,(Z)- 0. 22 0. 13 0. 62
78 2 -甲基丁酸乙酯 Butanoic acid,2-methyl-,ethyl ester 0. 15 0. 05 0. 05
79 戊酸乙酯 Propanoic acid,ethyl ester 0. 03 0. 15 0. 17
烷烃类 Alkyls 80
2,2 -二甲基 - 3 - 亚甲基二环[2. 2. 1]庚烷 Bicyclo[2. 2. 1]heptane,2,2-
0. 42 — —
81 邻伞花烃 o-Cymene 0. 37 0. 21 0. 36
82 1,1 -二甲基乙基环己烷 Cyclohexane,(1,1-dimethylethyl)- 0. 28 — —
83 薁(甘菊环烃)Azulene 0. 25 0. 47 0. 57
84 十二烷 Dodecane 0. 04 — —
85 十四烷 Tetradecane 0. 03 0. 01 0. 06
90 3 -癸炔 3-decyne 0. 11 — —
醛类 Aldehydes 86 壬醛 Nonanal n-Nonanal 0. 53 0. 02 0. 86
87 2,4 -癸二烯醛 2,4-Decadienal 0. 35 — 0. 41
88 2 -癸烯醛 2-Decenal,(Z)- 0. 31 — 0. 35
89 2 -己烯醛 2-Hexenal 0. 13 — —
酮类 Ketones 91 3 -戊酮 3-Pentanone 0. 41 0. 76 0. 83
92 1 -戊烯 - 3 -酮 1-Penten-3-one 0. 32 — —
总计 Total 97. 12 97. 65 96. 87
①“—”表示未检测到该物质的释放。“—”not indentify at this time.
第 1 期 王 荣等: 黄连木叶片挥发性物质动态变化分析
—◆—3 蒈烯 3-Carene —■—α -松节烯 α-pinene
—▲—顺式 - β -罗勒烯 β-cis-ocimene
—×—β -月桂烯β-myrcene ——反式 - β 罗勒烯
β-trans-ocimene —●—D -香芹烯 D-limonene
图 1 不同季节黄连木叶片 VOCs 相对含量的日变化
Fig. 1 The diurnal variation of volatiles relative content for
leaf of P. chinensis in different seasons
图 2 不同季节各类挥发性物质相对含量变化
Fig. 2 The variation of VOCs relative content in different seasons
—◆—3 蒈烯 3-Carene —■—α -松节烯 α-pinene
—▲—顺式 - β -罗勒烯 β-cis ocimene —×—β -月桂烯 β-myrcene
——反式 - β 罗勒烯 β-trans-ocimene —●—D -香芹烯 D-limonene
图 3 不同季节主要烯萜类挥发性物质相对含量变化
Fig. 3 The variation of terrenes VOCs relative
content in different seasons
(Penuelas et al.,2003)。昼夜及 1 天内的不同时刻,
相关(Standt et al.,1997),其中异戊二烯的释放过
而单萜的释放只受温度的影响 ( Guenther et al.,
期性:自 3 月始,植物挥发性物质的释放速率明显增
加; 7,8 月释放速率达到最大值,且释放量超过了
全年释放总量的 50% ; 9,10 月释放速率逐渐下降
净化空气的功效 (闫海燕等,2007; Leoreto et al.,
叶片释放的萜烯类化合物相对含量均在 90%左右,
(吴章文等,2003; 洪蓉等,2001)。但是,植物释放
林 业 科 学 51 卷
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(责任编辑 王艳娜)