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Cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by Vitrification and Encapsulation-vitrification


比较了玻璃化与包埋玻璃化超低温保存怀地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa(Gaertn.) Libosch)‘85-5’带芽茎段的效果。结果表明:4 ℃低温锻炼5 d,在添加二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和乙酰胺的预培养基中预培养3 d,60 % PVS2室温装载25 min,PVS2 0 ℃脱水30 min时,玻璃化和包埋玻璃化两种保存方法均达到本试验条件下最佳结果;两种方法相比,玻璃化法的存活率和再生率均较包埋玻璃化法高,前者的存活率(88.92 %)和再生率(64.29 %)分别是后者的1.38倍和2.41倍。可见,采用超低温保存怀地黄种质资源是可行的,且玻璃化法优于包埋玻璃化法。

The cryopreservation methods of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by vitrification and encapsulation-vitrification were studied. The results showed that: it was optimal cryopreservation condition for the two methods in the experimentation when the materials were trained at 4 ℃ low temperature for 5 d, then pre-cultured on the medium with DMSO and Acetamide for 3 d, loaded with 60 % PVS2 for 25 min at room temperature and dehydrated with PVS2 for 30 min at 0 ℃. But compared with the materials cyropreserved by the two methods, the survival rate and regeneration rate by vitrification were both higher than those by encapsulation-vitrification. The survival rate (88.92 %) and the regeneration rate (64.29%) of the former were 1.38 times and 2.41 times higher than the latter, suggesting cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by vitrification is applicable to the germplasm conservation.

全 文 :园 艺 学 报 2008, 35 ( 4): 619
Ac taH orticu lturae Sin ica
收稿日期: 2007- 11- 08; 修回日期: 2008- 03- 17
* E-m ai:l jlsnbg@ s ina1 com
葡萄新品种 -碧香无核 .
李恩彪* , 陈殿元, 王淑贤, 李伟青, 宁 盛
(吉林农业科技学院, 吉林 132101)
摘 要: -碧香无核 . 是以 -1851. @ -莎巴珍珠 . 育成的极早熟无核新品种。平均单穗质量 600 g,
平均单粒质量 4 g, 可溶性固形物含量 22% ~ 28%。果实具浓郁的玫瑰香味, 甜, 品质佳; 果皮黄绿色,
肉脆可切片; 早花早果, 连续坐果能力强。
关键词: 葡萄; 品种
中图分类号: S 66311 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 0513-353X ( 2008) 04-0619-01
适合东北地区保护地和露地早熟栽培的无核优良葡萄品种极少, 生产上多数采用生长调节剂进行
无核处理, 但存在生长调节剂残留, 影响品质等问题。 1994年吉林农业科技学院以 -1851. @ -莎
巴珍珠 . 获得无核杂交后代, 经反复筛选、预试、区试, 育成性状稳定、早熟、无核、综合性状优
良的葡萄新品种。2004年 1月通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会审定, 定名为 -碧香无核 .。
属欧亚种。植株直立, 枝蔓分布均匀, 长势中庸。幼叶浅紫红, 无绒毛, 有光泽; 叶中大, 绿
色, 心形, 表面平滑, 叶背无毛, 3~ 5裂, 叶脉紫红色。花序较小, 两性花, 中等大, 花芽分化早,
二次结果能力强。穗形整齐, 果穗圆锥形带歧肩, 平均单穗质量 600 g。果粒圆形, 黄绿色, 平均单
粒质量 4 g; 果刷长不落粒, 不裂果, 货架期长。果皮较薄、脆、香且具弹性, 与果肉不分离; 自然
无核; 具浓郁的玫瑰香味; 肉脆, 无肉囊, 可切片, 口感好; 可溶性固形物含量 22% ~ 28%; 含酸
量低, 果实转色即可食用。萌芽率高达 75% ~ 80%, 结果枝率达 75% ~ 80% , 结果系数 117~ 118。
花序着生于第 5节, 结果蔓一般都连续着生 2个花序。坐果率高, 丰产性强。早花早果, 定植第 2年
即可进入盛果期。早熟性好, 开花至成熟需 45~ 50 d, 萌芽至采收仅需 90 d。在吉林地区 5月中旬萌
芽, 6月上旬开花, 8月上旬成熟。耐热性强, 抗寒、抗旱、抗病能力强。
适合吉林、辽宁、黑龙江南部的大多数地区, 也可用于干旱、少雨阳光充足的地区露地和保护地
早熟栽培。采用单干立架, 短梢修剪; 夏剪采用不留梢 /一遍净 0 措施。密植栽培, 单株营养面积
015~ 0175m2, 单株负载量为 5~ 6 kg。保护地优质栽培需采取摘穗肩, 掐穗尖和套袋等果穗整形措
施, 加强根外钾肥的追施, 注意防治绿肓春蟓。露地早熟栽培注意防治黑痘病。
A New Grape Cultivar -B ixiangW uhe.
LI En-biao
, CHEN D ian-yuan, WANG Shu-x ian, LIW e-i qing, andN ING Sheng
( J ilin Agr icu ltural Science and T echnology Colleg e, J ilin 132101, China )
Abstract: -B ix iangWuhe. is a new early-maturing g rape cu ltivarw ithout nuc leus cu lt ivated by -1851.
@ - Shaba Pearl. . Per earmass is 600 g, per g rainmass is 4 g, the content of so lub le so lid is 22% - 28%.
The fruits are very sw eetw ith heavy rose frag rance and good quality. The fru it skin is yellow-green and crisp
pulp can be cut into slices. The period of b loom ing and bearing fru it are both early, the ab ility of bearing fruit
is strong.
Key words: g rape; cultivar