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Studies on Water and Membrane Lipid Peroxidafion of Cut Peony Flowers after Storage


全 文 :3期 李瑞芬等:结缕草愈伤组织诱导及植株再生 357
Embryogenic Calus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Zoysia japonica
“ Ruifen,Zhang Jingyuan,and Zhao Maolin
( Academy ofAgricultural and Forestry Sciences,Beiji~ Agro-biotechnology Research Center,Beijing 100089,Ch/na)
Abstract:Mature caxyopses of two materials of Zoysia japonica Stend.coilected in diferent habitats were
used as initial explants for callus induction. MS containing 2.0 mg/L 2.4一D induced calli at the relatively higher
percentage of 31.2% 一42.1% .Inclusion of6-BA in callus induction med ium with various levels of 2.4一D made
an important role for non—embryogenic calli changing into embryogenic calli.The embryogenic calli of higher per—
centage were induced by a combination of 2.0 mg/L 2,4一D an d 0.1 mg/L 6一BA.Th e rates of shoot regeneration
an d rooting were diferent in diferent regeneration med ium . Th e rates of shot regeneration and rooting were
46.8% 一48.1% at the level of 0.1 mg/L 2.4一D.
Key words:Zoysiajaponica Steud.;Embyrogenic calus;Tissue culture;Plant regeneration
臧彦卿 刘 燕 (北京林业大学园利 · 院,北京100083)
Studies on W ater and Membrane Lipid Peroxidafion of Cut Peony Flowers after Storage
Zang Yanqing and Hu Yan (CoU~ge ofhuutscape Architecture,~ijing Forest University,Beiji~ 100083,Ch/na)
关键词:芍药 ;丙二醛 (MDA);超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD);过氧化氢酶 (CAT)
中图分类号 :S 682 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0513—353X (2003)03—0357.01
试材为芍药 ‘莲台’品种 (Paeonia lactOlora‘Hantai’),采 自山东荷泽,在花蕾萼片疏松 、外层花瓣显现真正花色
时采样 ,用水洗去叶片和花蕾上的分泌物 ,采后 40 h火车运到实验室。在水中剪截成花枝长 35 cm,留 2~3片复叶,
基部在 l5 cm深水中浸 2 h复水,1 000倍的百菌清浸泡 1 min,晾干,普通 白纸包裹后封入聚乙烯塑料袋 中,于0—
2~C干藏。定期取样测定花瓣各项指标 ,均测 3次重复。定期取 5枝花在蒸馏水中瓶插 (室内散射光,温度 25℃ ±
3~C,相对湿度40% 60%),每天称花枝和 (水+瓶)质量,计算吸水量和失水量,记录瓶插寿命和开花率。
如表 1所示,贮藏30 d后开花率明显降低,贮藏到 100 d时,所有花成为僵蕾。随干藏时间的延长,花枝鲜样质
量逐渐减小,瓶插吸水量和失水量呈下降趋势,且失水量高于吸水量。贮藏初期花瓣膜脂过氧化程度较轻,贮藏 30 d
后膜透性和MDA含量都急剧上升,到65 d时分别是贮藏前的1.9倍和 1.6倍。在贮藏期间SOD活性呈下降趋势,30 d
后下降加速。贮藏初期 CAT活性略有升高,而后迅速下降。以上结果表明 ,‘莲台’芍药切花在贮藏过程中,初期失
重 ,保护酶活性下降,膜结构遭到破坏,寿命缩短,开花率降低。
表 1 芍 药切花 瓶插 寿命及 生理生 化指标
Table 1 Vase life,脚 如蛔 叫 and biodmmical i删l既 0f cut peony flow~~
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